
本文关键字:方法 泛型类 返回 覆盖 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:16:28

在我的Silverlight 4应用程序中,我开始创建和使用一些泛型,现在我偶然发现了以下问题:


public abstract class DTO_Base()
  public abstract ServiceModelBase<ServiceNodeBase> CreateBusinessObject();


public abstract class ServiceModelBase<RootNodeType> where RootNodeType : ServiceNodeBase


public class DTO_Editor : DTO_Base
  public override ServiceModelBase<ServiceNodeBase> CreateBusinessObject()
    // the object to return have to be of type ServiceModelEditor
    // which is derived from ServiceModelBase<ServiceNodeEditor>
    // public class ServiceModelEditor : ServiceModelBase<ServiceNodeEditor>
    // ServiceNodeEditor is derived from ServiceNodeBase
    // public class ServiceNodeEditor : ServiceNodeBase
    ServiceModelEditor target = new ServiceModelEditor()
    Functions to populate the 'target'
    return target;





public interface IDTO<Node> where Node : ServiceNodeBase
    ServiceModelBase<Node> CreateBusinessObject();
public abstract class DTO_Base<Model,Node> : IDTO<Node>
    where Model : ServiceModelBase<Node>
    where Node : ServiceNodeBase
    public abstract Model CreateBusinessObject();

    #region IDTO<Node> Members
    ServiceModelBase<Node> IDTO<Node>.CreateBusinessObject()
        return CreateBusinessObject();
public class DTO_Editor : DTO_Base<ServiceModelEditor, ServiceNodeEditor>
    public override ServiceModelEditor CreateBusinessObject()
        // the object to return have to be of type ServiceModelEditor
        // which is derived from ServiceModelBase<ServiceNodeEditor>
        // public class ServiceModelEditor : ServiceModelBase<ServiceNodeEditor>
        // ServiceNodeEditor is derived from ServiceNodeBase
        // public class ServiceNodeEditor : ServiceNodeBase
        ServiceModelEditor target = new ServiceModelEditor();

        return target;



public abstract class DtoBase<T> where T : RootNodeType
    public abstract ServiceModelBase<T> CreateBusinessObject();


public class DtoEditor : DtoBase<ServiceNodeBase>
    public override ServiceModelBase<ServiceNodeBase> CreateBusinessObject()

如果您正在使用。net 4.0,我建议您使用接口来定义您的ServiceModelBase,并在该接口泛型上指定out方差修饰符:

class ServiceNodeBase { }
class ServiceNodeEditor : ServiceNodeBase {/*implementation*/}
interface IServiceModelBase<out RootNodeType>
    where RootNodeType : ServiceNodeBase { 
class ServiceModelEditor : IServiceModelBase<ServiceNodeEditor> {
abstract class DTO_Base {
    public abstract IServiceModelBase<ServiceNodeBase> CreateBusinessObject();
class DTO_Editor : DTO_Base {
    public override IServiceModelBase<ServiceNodeBase> CreateBusinessObject() {
        return new ServiceModelEditor();