SQL CE 4 Server的数据表

本文关键字:数据表 Server CE SQL | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:18:25

我在c#中有一个数据表,并希望将其发送到我的SQL CE 4服务器。使它变得更复杂的一点是,当遇到重复时,它应该忽略它并继续到DataTable中的下一行。我已经环顾四周,但我发现很多信息似乎不与CE版本的SQL Server工作。做这件事的有效方法是什么?

SQL CE 4 Server的数据表

使用DataTable.Select Method在上传之前过滤您的DataTable以排除重复行

    DataTable table = DataSet1.Tables["Orders"];
    // Presuming the DataTable has a column named Date.
    string expression;
    expression = "Date > #1/1/00#"; // you will need logic to remove your duplicates
    DataRow[] foundRows;
    // Use the Select method to find all rows excluding duplicates
    foundRows = table.Select(expression);
    // .NET 3.5 onwards
    DataTable filteredDataTable = foundRows.copyToDataTable(); 


 var dt = new DataTable(); //Supposed that this is your DataTable
 foreach(DataRow row in dt.Rows)
      var find = MyFindMethod("Id"); 1. select statement that find if the id is on database
       if(find.Rows > 0)
            //Id exist do nothing
             //Id not exist then 2. Do Insert to sql ce id I not exist