
本文关键字:比较 方法 调用 另一个 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:18:48


namespace ProbA
    public class A : IComparer
        Private int a;
        public int IComparer.Compare(object CurrentNode, object DataNode)
            WBPMember Current = (WBPMember)CurrentNode;
            WBPMember Data = (WBPMember)DataNode;
            return Current.a- Data.a;

 namespace BST
public class BinarySearchTree<T> : ICollection<T>, IEnumerable<T>
public virtual void Add(T data)
            // create a new Node instance
            BinaryTreeNode<T> n = new BinaryTreeNode<T>(data);
            int result;
            BinaryTreeNode<T> current = root, parent = null;
            while (current != null)
      result = /**** I need to call the Class A compare method.     


A objA = new A();
BinarySearchTree<A> bst = new BinarySearchTree<A>();



假设,我有BusineesRules程序集。它包含四种规则,如Business1, Business2, Business3。Business4。我有一个程序集来生成BST和其他遍历方法。这个BST是完全通用的和组装的BST现在我需要在每个类中实现比较方法。, .

Public Class Business1: IComparer
    // Implemetation of Icompare.




public class BinarySearchTree<T> : ICollection<T>, IEnumerable<T>
        #region "Private Member Variables"
        private BinaryTreeNode<T> root = null;
        private int count = 0;
        private IComparer<T> comparer = Comparer<T>.Default;    // used to compare node values when percolating down the tree
        #region Constructors
        public BinarySearchTree() { }
        public BinarySearchTree(IComparer<T> comparer)
            this.comparer = comparer;
public virtual void Add(T data)
            // create a new Node instance
            BinaryTreeNode<T> n = new BinaryTreeNode<T>(data);
            int result;
            // now, insert n into the tree
            // trace down the tree until we hit a NULL
            BinaryTreeNode<T> current = root, parent = null;
            while (current != null)
                result = comparer.Compare(current.Value, data);                
                if (result == 0)
                    // they are equal - attempting to enter a duplicate - do nothing
                else if (result > 0)
                    // current.Value > data, must add n to current's left subtree
                    parent = current;
                    current = current.Left;
                else if (result < 0)
                    // current.Value < data, must add n to current's right subtree
                    parent = current;
                    current = current.Right;
            // We're ready to add the node!
            if (parent == null)
                // the tree was empty, make n the root
                root = n;
                result = comparer.Compare(parent.Value, data);
                if (result > 0)
                    // parent.Value > data, therefore n must be added to the left subtree
                    parent.Left = n;
                    // parent.Value < data, therefore n must be added to the right subtree
                    parent.Right = n;


class BusinessRules: IComparer
        public int Compare(object CurrentHNode, object DataNode)
            TreeMember Current;
            TreeMember Data;
            if (CurrentHNode is Current)
                Current = (TreeMember)CurrentHNode;
                throw new ArgumentException("Object is not type of WBPMember");
            if (DataNode is Data)
                Data = (TreeMember)DataNode;
                throw new ArgumentException("Object is not type of WBPMember");
            return Current.TreeIndex - Data.TreeIndex;

您可以看到代码中的下面一行。" result = compare . compare(当前). "值,数据);"但它是二进制搜索类的比较。我可以调用比较方法business1或business2。这个比较器实现对比较BinarySearchTree.Add()方法中的对象有用吗?更重要的是,BST和其他业务规则类是不同的程序集。



  • 你改变你的A类实现IComparer<WBPMember>而不是仅仅IComparer
  • 你在BinarySearchTree中创建一个构造函数,它接受一个IComparer<T>,并为以后记住它。
  • 您可以选择在BinarySearchTree中使用T的默认比较器创建一个无参数的构造函数


public class BinarySearchTree<T> : ICollection<T>, IEnumerable<T>
    private readonly IComparer<T> comparer;
    public BinarySearchTree(IComparer<T> comparer)
        // TODO: Work out how to handle comparer == null (could throw an
        // exception, could use the default comparer).
        this.comparer = comparer;
    public BinarySearchTree() : this(Comparer<T>.Default)
    // Now within Add, you can call comparer.Compare(current.Value, data)