Syncfusion XlsIO中的组合框

本文关键字:组合 XlsIO Syncfusion | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:20:19





var xlApp = xl.Excel;
var wkbk = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(stream); 
var sheet1 = kbk.Worksheets[0];  
var combobox = sheet1.ComboBoxes[0];


Syncfusion XlsIO中的组合框

通常通过指定单元格的范围将项绑定到Excel组合框。特定单元格范围中的值在Excel文件中列为组合框项。此外,即使引用/绑定的单元格位于不同的工作表中,Essential XlsIO也会返回正确的范围。属性"xlComboBox.ListFillRange"包含为填充组合框项而引用/绑定的单元格的范围。使用此属性,您可以检索该范围,然后在该范围中迭代以获得所有组合框项。在此,我附上了检索ComboBox项的代码片段。

    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //Instantiate the spreadsheet creation engine.
        ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();
        //Instantiate the excel application object.
        IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;
        //Open the excel file and instantiate the workbook object
        IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Open(@"..'..'Data'Book1.xlsx");
        //Retrieve the Excel comboBox from the worksheet
        IComboBoxShape xlComboBox = workbook.Worksheets[0].ComboBoxes[0];
        //user defined method to retrieve Excel ComboBox items and populate them in a Windows forms - ComboBox control
        RetrieveItemsFromExcelComboBox(xlComboBox, comboBox1);
        xlComboBox = workbook.Worksheets[0].ComboBoxes[1];
        RetrieveItemsFromExcelComboBox(xlComboBox, comboBox2);

        //Close the workbook.
        //Dispose the excel engine
    /// <summary>
    /// Retrieve the items from the Excel ComboBox and populate them in Windows form - ComboBox control
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="xlComboBox">Excel combobox instance (IComboBoxShape)</param>
    /// <param name="comboBox">Windows Forms - Combo Box instance</param>
    private void RetrieveItemsFromExcelComboBox(IComboBoxShape xlComboBox, ComboBox wfComboBox)
        //Get the range where the ComboBox items are present in the workbook
        IRange xlRange = xlComboBox.ListFillRange;
        //iterate through the range of the comboBox items and add them into the Windows forms - ComboBox control
        for (int rowIndex = xlRange.Row; rowIndex <= xlRange.LastRow; rowIndex++)
            for (int colIndex = xlRange.Column; colIndex <= xlRange.LastColumn; colIndex++)
                wfComboBox.Items.Add(xlRange[rowIndex, colIndex].DisplayText);
        wfComboBox.SelectedIndex = xlComboBox.SelectedIndex - 1;
