
本文关键字:null 的值 更新 框架 实体 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:20:21



| ID | COL1 | COL2 | COL3 | COL4 |
| 1  | abcd | abcd | abcd | abcd |
| 2  | abcd | abcd | abcd | abcd |


| ID | COL1 | COL2 | COL3 | COL4 |
| 1  |      | efgh |      | ijkl |
| 2  | mnop |      | qrst |      |


| ID | COL1 | COL2 | COL3 | COL4 |
| 1  | abcd | efgj | abcd | ijkl |
| 2  | mnop | abcd | qrst | abcd |


// Simplified example:
using ( var db = new MyEntityDatabase() ){
   var widget      = from p in db.Widgets select p where p.ID == 1;
   var widget_diff = from p in db.Widgets_Changes select p where p.ID == 1
   widget.COL1 = widget_diff.COL1 ?? widget.COL1;
   widget.COL2 = widget_diff.COL2 ?? widget.COL2;
   widget.COL3 = widget_diff.COL3 ?? widget.COL3;
   // ...etc





var widget      = db.Widgets.First(p => p.ID == 1);
var widget_diff = db.Widgets_Changes.First(p => p.ID == 1);


foreach(var toProp in typepf(Widget).GetProperties())
    var fromProp= typeof(Widget_Change).GetProperty(toProp.Name);
    var toValue = fromProp.GetValue(widget_diff, null);
    if (toValue != null)
        toProp.SetValue(widget, toValue, null);


public static class WidgetUtil
    public static readonly IEnumerable<Tuple<PropertyInfo, PropertyInfo>> PropertyMap;
    static Util()
        var b = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance;
        PropertyMap = 
            (from f in typeof(Widget).GetProperties(b)
             join t in typeof(WidgetChange).GetProperties(b) on f.Name equals t.Name
             select Tuple.Create(f, t))
foreach(var propertyPair in WidgetUtil.PropertyMap)
    var toValue = propertyPair.Item2.GetValue(widget_diff, null);
    if (toValue != null)
        propertyPair.Item1.SetValue(widget, toValue, null);


public static class WidgetUtil<T1, T2>
    public static readonly IEnumerable<Tuple<PropertyInfo, PropertyInfo>> PropertyMap;
    static WidgetUtil()
        var b = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance;
        PropertyMap = 
            (from f in typeof(T1).GetProperties(b)
             join t in typeof(T2).GetProperties(b) on f.Name equals t.Name
             select Tuple.Create(f, t))


using(var db = new MyEntityDatabase())
    var widget      = from p in db.Widgets select p where p.ID == 1;
    var widget_diff = from p in db.Widgets_Changes select p where p.ID == 1;
    var properties = typeof(MyWidgetType).GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
    foreach(var property in properties)
         //widget.column = widget_diff.column ?? widget.colum;
         property.SetValue(property.GetValue(widget_diff) ?? property.GetValue(widget), widget);
    //You can do the same for fields here if the entity has any fields (probably not).




    private static class PropertyLister<T1, T2>
        public static readonly IEnumerable<Tuple<PropertyInfo, PropertyInfo>> PropertyMap;
        static PropertyLister()
            var b = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance;
            PropertyMap =
                (from f in typeof(T1).GetProperties(b)
                 join t in typeof(T2).GetProperties(b) on f.Name equals t.Name
                 select Tuple.Create(f, t))

    public static T InjectNonNull<T>(T dest, T src)
        foreach (var propertyPair in PropertyLister<T, T>.PropertyMap)
            var fromValue = propertyPair.Item2.GetValue(src, null);
            if (fromValue != null && propertyPair.Item1.CanWrite)
                propertyPair.Item1.SetValue(dest, fromValue, null);
        return dest;