
本文关键字:关联 字符串 十进制 高平 获取 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:20:41




public sealed class SalaryInformation
    private string profession;
    private int yearOfEmployment;
    private decimal startSalary;
    private decimal currentSalary;
    public string Profession
        get { return profession; }
        set { profession = value; }
    public int YearOfEmployment
        get { return yearOfEmployment; }
        set { yearOfEmployment = value; }
    public decimal StartSalary
        get { return startSalary; }
        set { startSalary = value; }

    public decimal CurrentSalary
        get { return currentSalary; }
        set { currentSalary = value; }
    public SalaryInformation()
    { }
    public SalaryInformation(string p, int yoe, decimal startS, decimal currentS)
        profession = p;
        yearOfEmployment = yoe;
        startSalary = startS;
        currentSalary = currentS;



 public string GetHighestPaidProfession()
        string highestPaidProfession = "";
        //Gets all the salaryInformation objects and stores them in a list
        List<SalaryInformation> allSalaries = new List<SalaryInformation>();
        allSalaries = data.GetSalaryInformation();          

        //Right here I don't know how to do the rest from here.
        //I realize that I have to calculate the average currentsalary from every
        //SalaryInformation I got in the list allSalaries. But then I have to
        //to get the actual profession which has the highest average currentsalary
        //among them. It's right there I get stuck.
        return highestPaidProfession;




return allSalaries.GroupBy(s => s.Profession)
                  .OrderByDescending(g => g.Average(n => n.CurrentSalary))


allSalaries = data.GetSalaryInformation(); 
var averageCurrentSalaries = allSalaries.GroupBy(
    si => si.Profession, 
    si => si, 
    (key, g) => new 
         Profession = key, 
         AverageCurrentSalary = g.Average(si => si.CurrentSalary);
var highestPaidProfession = averageCurrentSalaries.OrderByDescending(
    as => as.AverageCurrentSalary).First().Profession;


 allSalaries = data.GetSalaryInformation(); 
 var allSalariesByProfession = allSalaries.GroupBy(x=>x.Profession);
 var averageSalariesByProfession = allSalariesByProfession.Select(group => new {Profession = group.Key, Avg=group.Average(item=>item.CurrentSalary));
 var highestPayingprofession = averageSalariesByProfession.OrderByDescending(x=>x.Avg).First().Key;


void Main()
    var allSalaries = new List<SalaryInformation> {
    new SalaryInformation("doctor", 1, 100, 120), 
    new SalaryInformation("doctor", 1, 120, 150), 
    new SalaryInformation("engineer", 1, 50, 100)};
    var profession = allSalaries.GroupBy (s => s.Profession)
    .Select (s => new {Profession = s.Key, SalaryAvg = s.Average (x => x.CurrentSalary)})
    .OrderByDescending (g => g.SalaryAvg)
public class SalaryInformation
    private string profession;
    private int yearOfEmployment;
    private decimal startSalary;
    private decimal currentSalary;
    public string Profession
        get { return profession; }
        set { profession = value; }
    public int YearOfEmployment
        get { return yearOfEmployment; }
        set { yearOfEmployment = value; }
    public decimal StartSalary
        get { return startSalary; }
        set { startSalary = value; }

    public decimal CurrentSalary
        get { return currentSalary; }
        set { currentSalary = value; }
    public SalaryInformation()
    { }
    public SalaryInformation(string p, int yoe, decimal startS, decimal currentS)
        profession = p;
        yearOfEmployment = yoe;
        startSalary = startS;
        currentSalary = currentS;


        public string GetHighestPaidProfession()
            //string highestPaidProfession = ""; no need for the string variable.
            //Gets all the salaryInformation objects and stores them in a list
            //just added this elements to list for demonstration only.
            List<SalaryInformation> allSalaries = new List<SalaryInformation>()
                new SalaryInformation("doctor",2010,500.00m,585.00m),
                new SalaryInformation("doctor",2010,500.00m,585.00m),
                new SalaryInformation("doctor",2010,500.00m,550.00m),
                new SalaryInformation("doctor",2010,500.00m,550.00m),
                new SalaryInformation("manager",2010,400.00m,510.00m),
                new SalaryInformation("manager",2010,400.00m,490.00m),
                new SalaryInformation("manager",2010,400.00m,500.00m),
                new SalaryInformation("manager",2010,400.00m,480.00m),
                new SalaryInformation("director",2010,600.00m,625.00m),
                new SalaryInformation("director",2010,600.00m,615.00m)
            Dictionary<string,List<decimal>> results = new Dictionary<string,List<decimal>>();
            foreach(SalaryInformation si in allSalaries)
                    results.Add(si.Profession,new List<decimal>(){si.CurrentSalary});
            //this will result in dictionary<string,decimal>,where the dedimal will
            //already be the average of all salary of each profession.
            var result = results.ToDictionary(k => k.Key, v => v.Value.Sum() / v.Value.Count);
            //returns the string in result dictionary which points to the
            //highest value.
            return result.Aggregate((l, r) => l.Value > r.Value ? l : r).Key;