
本文关键字:执行 一条 指令 计时器 结束 等待 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:22:19




        private void move(int x, int y)
        xValue = x;
        yValue = y;
        // Check to see if x co-ord needs moving up or down
        if (xValue > txtData.Location.X) // UP
            xDir = 1;
        else if (xValue < box.Location.X) // DOWN
            xDir = -1;
        else // No change
            .xDir = 0;
        if (yValue > box.Location.Y) // RIGHT
            yDir = 1;
        else if (yValue < Location.Y) // LEFT
            yDir = -1;
        else // No change
            yDir = 0;


private void timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
        while (xValue != box.Location.X && yValue != box.Location.Y)
            if (yDir == 0)
                box.SetBounds(box.Location.X + xDir, box.Location.Y, box.Width, box.Height);
                box.SetBounds(box.Location.X, box.Location.Y + yDir, box.Width, box.Height);


        move(478, 267);
        move(647, 267);
        move(647, 257);


我不确定你到底在问什么,但如果你试图强制程序停止运行代码,直到动画完成,你可以尝试使用异步等待。不过,您至少需要.Net 4.5才能使用异步等待。

private async void moveData(int x, int y)
    Variables.xValue = x;
    Variables.yValue = y;
    // Check to see if x co-ord needs moving up or down
    if (Variables.xValue > txtData.Location.X) // UP
        Variables.xDir = 1;
    else if (Variables.xValue < txtData.Location.X) // DOWN
        Variables.xDir = -1;
    else // No change
        Variables.xDir = 0;
    // Check to see if y co-ord needs moving left or right
    if (Variables.yValue > txtData.Location.Y) // RIGHT
        Variables.yDir = 1;
    else if (Variables.yValue < txtData.Location.Y) // LEFT
        Variables.yDir = -1;
    else // No change
        Variables.yDir = 0;
    await Animate();
private async Task Animate()
    while (Variables.xValue != txtData.Location.X && Variables.yValue !=     txtData.Location.Y)
        if (Variables.yDir == 0) // If we are moving in the x direction
            txtData.SetBounds(txtData.Location.X + Variables.xDir, txtData.Location.Y, txtData.Width, txtData.Height);
        else // We are moving in the y direction
            txtData.SetBounds(txtData.Location.X, txtData.Location.Y + Variables.yDir, txtData.Width, txtData.Height);
        await Task.Delay(intervalBetweenMovements);
