Converting StreamReader back to pdf

本文关键字:pdf to back StreamReader Converting | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 17:49:17

I am trying to convert pdf stream back to pdf file, then save it on my server.The function GetHTTPRequest gets pdf url and returns the pdf url stream string.I need to convert this stream to pdf file.My Code:

  public ActionResult Html(string strUrl) 
        string xhr;
        xhr = GetHTTPRequest(strUrl, "GET");
        // make pdf file fron xhr
        return View("Index");
    public static string GetHTTPRequest(string RequestUrl, string RequestMethod)
            HttpWebRequest r = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(RequestUrl);
            r.Method = RequestMethod;
            HttpWebResponse res = (HttpWebResponse)r.GetResponse();
            Stream sr = res.GetResponseStream();
            StreamReader sre = new StreamReader(sr);
            string s = sre.ReadToEnd();
            return s;
        catch (Exception)
            return string.Empty;

This is only 1 line from what xhr contains:

"%PDF-1.3'n%�쏢'n5 0 obj'n<>'nstream'nx��'k���V �DB��rq��'r}��_�4U[��'nTҮU�~�ِBI h����>gl����n�N���Y{.�~�33�;�h����뷶.��W7�n����ͭ;[������[կ��?TR��T�_l�6� �O�e�ll��'m'b�����T����F�����V��n���6h嫍��Hk��l�R��O6ô3�7O5�:�.�i<�:���3��S�j��V�O��'b�~&'r�S93�l�ѭ�Q�z�v�cF)���'r��g��m�v����Z���'a���;{�i��Bq�7��^xK�7�U��P?��z>����]���F'b1�X�ec��/4�ji��/К��&#�EjF)�g�D�'v)��_ �'r|��XSEcu�'nILz��H|�ZL�a�wO'af^m6�NzS_lb$�Vx'rB�VG��_���44�v���������w������4J����Q�z���7�刭��+�a�|�7�Z����&��ٕQ��LsE��c�t뜁������)�ad���ӷ2��inSU��-��'a��'fā4ʹ�v1�w�ֽ����)�����S0�����2M�~�S�;�Ԩ2�'a|�����'K�0['"{��F��5��2�ٱJ[��ӑ ��F�����3��X�s''b9�[�&�Et��A'"�����N���������)7=�p�T�v.�!�q'"��H����M-i�,��TA��P����tV{]V=z����'rV����T��o�c�s�������[w*i�g��R�EZ�Λ.JQ}�'r:�w)�Ȕڣ�����{�)e%�(GF3�H8�G�Ԣ5)G^u�C�F�ÂQ'v�A=I'"�G'"�@�i�X�3d�����P;%=r���8@'he<�IAv��'a������D[ؕ]���7X��!��'b@B�Y$a5'b 'b��T�.���Կ,'n�)1�V�'0N�z�$Pȡ����%

Can someone please put some light on it and solve it for me?I never used stream libary before.


Converting StreamReader back to pdf

PDF is a binary file format. Don't use a string it doesn't make sense. What you are doing is eqivalent to trying to open a pdf file with NotePad. You should save the pdf file as file.

This is how you would download the file.

string resourceUrl = "";
string fileName = downloadedFile.pdf;
WebClient myWebClient = new WebClient();

If you need to read file.pdf as a string that's a different matter. You will need to look for a pdf parser. iTextSharp is not a bad choice for a start.