C# Unity,更改数组按钮颜色仅在添加 OnClick.Addlistener 时受影响的最后一个数组

本文关键字:数组 OnClick Addlistener 最后一个 影响 添加 Unity 按钮 颜色 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:25:43

public GameObject SongListParent; // Dragged from the inpsector
private GameObject SongListButton;
private GameObject SongListPrefab
private Object[] myMusic;
void awake(){
for(int i = 0; i < myMusic.Length; i++ ) {
    int TempInt = i;
    //Instantiate the song list
    SongListButtons = (Resources.Load("Prefabs/Button")) as GameObject;
    SongListPrefab = (GameObject) Instantiate(SongListButtons);
    SongListPrefab.transform.SetParent(SongListParent.transform, false);
    //setting the label
    datext = SongListPrefab.GetComponentsInChildren<Text>();
    datext[0].text = myMusic.name;
    //Adding Function and positioning
    Vector3 pos = new Vector3(10, i*-30, 0);
    SongListPrefab.GetComponent<RectTransform>().localPosition = pos;
    GetComponent<AudioSource>().clip = myMusic as AudioClip;
    SongListPrefab.GetComponent<Button>().onClick.AddListener(() => lol(TempInt) );
public void lol(int buttonNo){
//Play Audio Onclick
GetComponent<AudioSource>().clip = myMusic[buttonNo] as AudioClip;
//Change Color Onclick, << Problem starts here only the last array gets coloured
Image[] lel = SongListPrefab.GetComponentsInChildren<Image>();
lel[0].color = Color.red;

当我运行代码时,只有按钮预制件的最后一个数组在单击时着色,我尝试使用 lel[buttonNo].color 而不是 lel[0].color,但在我单击按钮后,它说数组超出范围。我在这里试图实现的是,当单击按钮时,按钮是彩色的,但是在这种情况下,当我单击任何按钮时,它会为数组中的最后一个按钮着色。任何想法或建议将不胜感激:)

C# Unity,更改数组按钮颜色仅在添加 OnClick.Addlistener 时受影响的最后一个数组


Image[] lel = SongListPrefab.GetComponentsInChildren<Image>();

在循环中,将 SongListPrefab 的值重新分配给最后一个实例化的预制件:

SongListPrefab = (GameObject) Instantiate(SongListButtons);

因此,SongListPrefab将始终是 SongListButtons 中最后一个实例化的游戏对象。

最简单的方法可能是将 Button 传递给lol函数并像这样更改其颜色:

public void Awake()
    // previous code
        var button = SongListPrefab.GetComponent<Button>();
        if (button != null)
            button.onClick.AddListener(() => lol(TempInt, button));
public void lol(int buttonNo, Button button)
    //Play Audio Onclick
    GetComponent<AudioSource>().clip = myMusic[buttonNo] as AudioClip;
    //Change Color Onclick, << Problem starts here only the last array gets coloured
    button.image.color = Color.red;

