
本文关键字:集合 对象 过滤 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:26:47


DateTime? from
DateTime? to
bool? includeActive
bool? includeInactive


public class ProductPeriod
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name
    public DateTime StartDate { get; set; }
    public DateTime EndDate { get; set; }
    public bool IsActive { get; set; }


public IEnumerable<ProductPeriod> GetFilteredProductPeriods(DateTime? from,     DateTime? to, bool? includeActive, bool? includeInactive)
    // 1. from date only
    if(from.HasValue && to == null && includeActive == null && includeInactive == null)
        return _entities.ProductPeriods.Where(x => x.StartDate >= from.Value).ToList();
    // 2. from and to date
    if(from.HasValue && to.HasValue && includeActive == null && includeInactive == null)
        return _entities.ProductPeriods.Where(x => x.StartDate >= from.Value && x.EndDate <= to.Value).ToList();
    // 3. to date only
    if (to.HasValue && from == null && includeActive == null && includeInactive == null)
        return _entities.ProductPeriods.Where(x => x.EndDate <= to.Value).ToList();
    // 4. from date and show active
    if (from.HasValue && (includeActive != null && includeActive.Value) && to == null && includeInactive == null)
        return _entities.ProductPeriods.Where(x => x.StartDate >= from.Value && x.IsActive).ToList();
    // 5. from, to and show active
    if (from != null && to != null && (includeActive != null && includeActive.Value) && includeInactive == null)
        return _entities.ProductPeriods.Where(x => x.StartDate >= from.Value && x.EndDate <= to.Value && x.IsActive).ToList();
    // 6. to date and show active
    if (to.HasValue && (includeActive != null && includeActive.Value) && from == null && includeInactive == null)
        return _entities.ProductPeriods.Where(x => x.EndDate <= to.Value && x.IsActive).ToList();
    // 7. .... and so on, so forth..





public IEnumerable<ProductPeriod> GetFilteredProductPeriods
    (DateTime? from, DateTime? to, bool? includeActive, bool? includeInactive)
    IQueryable<ProductPeriod> query = _entities.ProductPeriods;
    if (from != null)
        query = query.Where(x => x.StartDate >= from.Value);
    if (to != null)
        query = query.Where(x => x.EndDate >= to.Value);
    if (includeActive == false)
        query = query.Where(x => !x.IsActive);
    if (includeInactive == false)
        query = query.Where(x => x.IsActive);
    return query.ToList();
