
本文关键字:我的 游戏 冻结 无限循环 我看 看不到 我可以 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:26:55

我有一些Unity c#游戏中敌人的代码。该代码有一个降低运行状况的函数,还有一些代码连接到使用Invoke()调用该函数的触发器。Invoke方法存储在while循环中,以便在health大于0时执行。脚本如下。


using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class Base : MonoBehaviour {
public float Health = 100f;
public float AttackSpeed = 2f;
//If enemy touches the base 
void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D col){
    Debug.Log ("Base touched");
    if(col.gameObject.tag == "Enemy"){
        while(Health > 0f){
            Debug.Log ("Enemy attacking base");
            //call attack funtion in x seconds
            Invoke("enemyAttack", 2.0f);
//Enemy attack function that can be used with Invoke
void enemyAttack(){
    Health -= Enemy.Damage;
    Debug.Log ("Base health at: " + Health);

// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
    //Load Lose Screen when Base health reaches 0
    if (Health <= 0){
        Application.LoadLevel("Lose Screen");



void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D col){
    Debug.Log ("Base touched");
    if (col.gameObject.tag == "Enemy"){
        if (Health > 0f){
            Debug.Log ("Enemy attacking base");
            StartCoroutine (enemyAttack ());
IEnumerator enemyAttack () {
    while (Health > 0f) {
        yield return new WaitForSeconds (2f);
        Health -= Enemy.Damage;
        Debug.Log ("Base health at: " + Health);