
本文关键字:Velocity 属性 组件 2D 找不到 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:29:34


public class MarioController : MonoBehaviour 
        public float maxSpeed=10f;
        bool facingRight=true;
    void Start ()
    void FixedUpdate ()
        float move = Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal");
    rigidbody2D.velocity = new Vector2 (move * maxSpeed, rigidbody2D.velocity.y);
        if (move > 0 && !facingRight)
            Flip ();
    else if (move < 0 && facingRight)
            Flip ();
    void Flip ()
        facingRight = !facingRight;
        Vector3 theScale = transform.localScale;
        theScale.x *= -1;
        transform.localScale = theScale;



如果你使用Unity3D 5.3,有一个属性可以用来翻转精灵,它应该有更好的性能:

public class MarioController : MonoBehaviour 
    public float maxSpeed=10f;
    bool facingRight=true;
    Rigibody2D rigibody2D;
    SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer;
    void Start()
        rigibody2D = GetComponent<Rigibody2D>(); //get the reference to the Rigibody2D component of this GameObject
spriteRenderer = GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>(); //get the reference to the SpriteRenderer component of this GameObject
    void FixedUpdate ()
        float move = Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal");
        rigidbody2D.velocity = new Vector2 (move * maxSpeed, rigidbody2D.velocity.y);
        if (move > 0 && !facingRight)
            Flip (facingRight);
        else if (move < 0 && facingRight)
            Flip (facingRight);
    void Flip (bool flip)
         facingRight = !flip;
         spriteRenderer.flipX = flip;
        //facingRight = !facingRight;
        //Vector3 theScale = transform.localScale;
        //theScale.x *= -1;
        //transform.localScale = theScale;