
本文关键字:类型 添加 工厂 初始化 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:30:47



interface IWriter {
    void Write(string text);
class BlockWriter : IWriter {
    //something like this maybe, only this only calls on use of the class so it doesn't work...
    //static BlockWriter() {
    //    Factory.Add(new BlockWriter());
    public void Write(string text) {
        Console.WriteLine("Block: "  + text);
class Factory {
    private static List<IWriter> writers = new List<IWriter>();
    public static List<IWriter> GetWriters() { return writers; }
    // I don't want to have to write every single one down like this.
    // I want a way to do this automatically, like withing the derived classes.
    public static void Build() {
        writers.Add(new BlockWriter());
        writers.Add(new ColumnWriter());
        writers.Add(new LineWriter());
        writers.Add(new SpiralWriter());
        writers.Add(new WaveWriter());
    static Factory() {
    public static IWriter ChooseWriter(string input) {
        foreach (IWriter w in writers)
            if (w.GetType().Name.Equals(input))
                return w;
        return null;



(奇怪的是)MEF(托管扩展性框架)[ImportMany]的主要目的。有关 MSDN 的文档。

要使用它,您首先需要标记 IWriter 接口的每个实现者


这标志着它是 MEF 收集的类型(并且很容易忘记)。然后,您需要用[ImportMany]标记您的收藏(writers):

private static List<IWriter> writers;

最后,您需要为程序集设置一个组合容器,并调用 ComposeParts 。MEF 将获取它找到的与标记为 [ImportMany] 的列表的泛型参数类型匹配的所有导出,并使用每个匹配导出类型的单个实例填充列表。

//An aggregate catalog that combines multiple catalogs
AggregateCatalog catalog = new AggregateCatalog();
//Adds all the parts found in the same assembly as the Factory class
catalog.Catalogs.Add(new AssemblyCatalog(typeof(Factory).Assembly));
//Create the CompositionContainer with the parts in the catalog
CompositionContainer container = new CompositionContainer(catalog);
//Fill the lists

大部分代码来自链接的 MSDN 页面。


public static IWriter ChooseWriter(string writer)
    Assembly currentAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
    var currentType = currentAssembly.GetTypes().SingleOrDefault(t => t.Name == writer);
    return (IWriter )Activator.CreateInstance(currentType);

http://techtaunt.wordpress.com/2011/06/15/factory-pattern-with-reflection-c/或http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/37547/Exploring-Factory-Pattern(上次实现(第 4 次))



在这种情况下,我更喜欢 MEF,因为它对类型发现有更好的支持。