在 C# 中获取 XML 值的一部分

本文关键字:一部分 XML 获取 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:30:48


   <KEY name="a">
   <KEY name="b">
   <KEY name="c">
   <KEY name="need">
      <KEY name="needID">
      <KEY name="needOther">
      <KEY name="needOther2">

我的问题是如何从名称为 needID 的节点获取值"id"?


XmlDocument xx = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList node = xx.SelectNodes("/RES/MUL/SIN/KEY[@name='need']");

但在那之后我不能选择 needID

XDocument doc = new XDocument(node);
var cource = from x in doc.Descendants("KEY")
select new { ID = doc.Element("VALUE").Value };


谢谢! :)

在 C# 中获取 XML 值的一部分



XDocument doc = XDocument.Load("url");
var cource = from x in doc.Descendants("KEY")
                 where x.Attribute("name").Value == "needID" 
                 select new { ID = x.Element("VALUE").Value };




// you're expecting only a single node - right?? So use .SelectSingleNode!
XmlNode node = xx.SelectSingleNode("/RES/MUL/SIN/KEY[@name='need']");
// if we found the node...
if(node != null)
    // get "subnode" inside that node
    XmlNode valueNode = node.SelectSingleNode("MUL/SIN/KEY[@name='needID']/VALUE");
    // if we found the <MUL>/<SIN>/<KEY name='needID'>/<VALUE> subnode....
    if(valueNode != null)
        // get the inner text = the text of the XML element...
        string value = valueNode.InnerText;

甚至可以将其合并到单个 XPath 操作中,假设您知道 XML 文档中最多有一个匹配节点:

// define XPath
string xpath = "/RES/MUL/SIN/KEY[@name='need']/MUL/SIN/KEY[@name='needID']/VALUE";
// you're expecting only a single node - right?? So use .SelectSingleNode!
XmlNode node = xx.SelectSingleNode(xpath);
// if we found the node...
if(node != null)
    // get the inner text = the text of the XML element...
    string value = node.InnerText;
XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();
xml.Load(File.OpenRead(@"Your XML File"));
//XmlNodeList xnList = xml.SelectNodes("/RES/MUL/SIN/KEY");
//You can use something like the below if the XML file is large and you need to read in more than one
//foreach (XmlNode xn in xnList)
//Have a seperate class to store the values
//class class = new class();
//class.ID = xn.SelectSingleNode("./@needID").Value;