如何确定类型是否为 HashSet 类型以及如何强制转换它

本文关键字:类型 何强制 转换 HashSet 何确定 是否 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:31:15

我在GitHub上有人要求能够比较我在GitHub上的项目的HashSets:https://github.com/GregFinzer/Compare-Net-Objects/。 我需要能够确定类型是否是哈希集,然后获取枚举器。 我不确定该投什么。 这是我对IList的:

private bool IsIList(Type type)
    return (typeof(IList).IsAssignableFrom(type));

private void CompareIList(object object1, object object2, string breadCrumb)
    IList ilist1 = object1 as IList;
    IList ilist2 = object2 as IList;
    if (ilist1 == null) //This should never happen, null check happens one level up
        throw new ArgumentNullException("object1");
    if (ilist2 == null) //This should never happen, null check happens one level up
        throw new ArgumentNullException("object2");
        //Objects must be the same length
        if (ilist1.Count != ilist2.Count)
            Differences.Add(string.Format("object1{0}.Count != object2{0}.Count ({1},{2})", breadCrumb,
                                              ilist1.Count, ilist2.Count));
            if (Differences.Count >= MaxDifferences)
        IEnumerator enumerator1 = ilist1.GetEnumerator();
        IEnumerator enumerator2 = ilist2.GetEnumerator();
        int count = 0;
        while (enumerator1.MoveNext() && enumerator2.MoveNext())
            string currentBreadCrumb = AddBreadCrumb(breadCrumb, string.Empty, string.Empty, count);
            Compare(enumerator1.Current, enumerator2.Current, currentBreadCrumb);
            if (Differences.Count >= MaxDifferences)

如何确定类型是否为 HashSet 类型以及如何强制转换它



// ...
    Type t = typeof(HashSet<int>);
    bool test1 = GenericClassifier.IsICollection(t); // true
    bool test2 = GenericClassifier.IsIEnumerable(t); // true
    bool test3 = GenericClassifier.IsISet(t); // true
public static class GenericClassifier {
    public static bool IsICollection(Type type) {
        return Array.Exists(type.GetInterfaces(), IsGenericCollectionType);
    public static bool IsIEnumerable(Type type) {
        return Array.Exists(type.GetInterfaces(), IsGenericEnumerableType);
    public static bool IsISet(Type type) {
        return Array.Exists(type.GetInterfaces(), IsGenericSetType);
    static bool IsGenericCollectionType(Type type) {
        return type.IsGenericType && (typeof(ICollection<>) == type.GetGenericTypeDefinition());
    static bool IsGenericEnumerableType(Type type) {
        return type.IsGenericType && (typeof(IEnumerable<>) == type.GetGenericTypeDefinition());
    static bool IsGenericSetType(Type type) {
        return type.IsGenericType && (typeof(ISet<>) == type.GetGenericTypeDefinition());

遍历GetInterfaces()并检查它是否实现了IsGenericType为真且GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(ISet<>)的接口


Type t1 = typeof(HashSet<int>);
bool test1 = t1.IsGenericType && 
    t1.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(HashSet<>); // true
Type t2 = typeof(Dictionary<int, string>);
bool test2 = t2.IsGenericType && 
    t2.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(HashSet<>); // false
Type t3 = typeof(int);
bool test3 = t3.IsGenericType && 
    t3.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(HashSet<>); // false

内置在HashSets中的...使用方法 SymmetricExceptWith。 还有其他内置的比较。请参阅:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb336848.aspx