如何在 LINQ to SQL 中检查空值

本文关键字:检查 空值 SQL to LINQ | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:33:25

我正在尝试使用以下linq到sql查询来获取结果。但如果父类别 ID 作为空传递,则它不起作用

 public static IEnumerable<Category> GetChildren(this Table<Category> source, int? parentCategoryId)
        var categories = from c in source where c.ParenCategoryId == parentCategoryId select c;
        return categories;

但如果直接使用 null 代替父类别 ID 则以下工作

 public static IEnumerable<Category> GetChildren(this Table<Category> source, int? parentCategoryId)
        var categories = from c in source where c.ParenCategoryId == null select c;
        return categories;

如何在 LINQ to SQL 中检查空值



public static IEnumerable<Category> GetChildren(this Table<Category> source, int? parentCategoryId)
    var categories = from c in source 
                     where object.Equals(c.ParenCategoryId, parentCategoryId) 
                     select c;
    return categories;


public static IEnumerable<Category> GetChildren(this Table<Category> source, int? parentCategoryId)
    var categories = from c in source 
                     where (parentCategoryId != null? c.ParenCategoryId == parentCategoryId : c.ParenCategoryId == null)
                     select c;
    return categories;