C# 使用用户输入选择要从中随机打印元素的字符串数组

本文关键字:打印 随机 元素 数组 字符串 用户 输入 选择 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:33:41



namespace RandomLolChampSelector
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string[] ahri = { "Academy", "Challenger", "Dynasty", "Foxfire", "Midnight", "Popstar" };
            string[] leeSin = { "Traditional", "Acolyte", "Dragon Fist", "Musy Thai", "Pool Party", "SKT T1", "Knockout" };
            // Creates title for application
            Console.WriteLine("Conor's Random League of Legends Skin Selector v0.1");
            Console.WriteLine(" ");
            Console.WriteLine(" ");
            Random rnd = new Random();
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray;
            Console.WriteLine("What champion would you like to select a skin for?..    ");
            string champion = Console.ReadLine();
            foreach (string s in champion)
                while (true)
                    // Gets user to press a key to run the code
                    Console.Write("Press the 'enter' key for a random champion..     ");
                    string question = Console.ReadLine();
                    int randomNumber = rnd.Next(ahri.Length);

C# 使用用户输入选择要从中随机打印元素的字符串数组

一种方法是数组数组。 看看 https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa288453(v=vs.71(.aspx,特别是他们谈论数组数组(交错(的地方。

(可能(更直观的方法是数组字典。 想一想:

Dictionary<string, string[]> myList = new Dictionary<string, string[]>();
myList.Add("ahri",new string[] { "Academy", "Challenger", "Dynasty", "Foxfire", "Midnight", "Popstar" });
//your other code



    static void Main(string[] args)
            Dictionary<string, string[]> skins = new Dictionary<string, string[]>();
            skins.Add("ahri", new string[] { "Academy", "Challenger", "Dynasty", "Foxfire", "Midnight", "Popstar" });
            skins.Add("leesin", new string[] { "Traditional", "Acolyte", "Dragon Fist", "Musy Thai", "Pool Party", "SKT T1", "Knockout" });
            // Creates title for application
            Console.WriteLine("Conor's Random League of Legends Skin Selector v0.1'r'n'r'n");
            Random rnd = new Random();
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray;
            Console.WriteLine("What champion would you like to select a skin for?..    ");
            string champion = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
            Console.Write("Press the 'enter' key for a random champion..     ");
                //return a random champion skin from the user input key in dict based on a random number from the length of the string array

添加到Dictionary允许您通过检查冠军名称或Key来简化过程,然后根据其长度从string[]数组或Value中随机选择一个皮肤,这要归功于 0 和数组中元素计数之间的随机数。



static void Main(string[] args)
    Console.Clear(); //For a 'clean slate' on every execution, can ditch this if you want
    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray;
    Dictionary<string, string[]> skins = new Dictionary<string, string[]>();
    skins.Add("ahri", new string[] { "Academy", "Challenger", "Dynasty", "Foxfire", "Midnight", "Popstar" });
    skins.Add("leesin", new string[] { "Traditional", "Acolyte", "Dragon Fist", "Musy Thai", "Pool Party", "SKT T1", "Knockout" });
    Console.WriteLine("Conor's Random League of Legends Skin Selector v0.1'r'n'r'n");
    Console.WriteLine("What champion would you like to select a skin for? 'r'nPress enter for a random champion...    ");
    var champion = Console.ReadLine(); 
    var rnd = new Random();
    if (champion.Equals(string.Empty))
        var tmpList = Enumerable.ToList(skins.Keys);
        champion = tmpList[rnd.Next(tmpList.Count)];
        champion = champion.Trim().ToLower(); 
    Console.Write(string.Format("Champion {0} Selected 'r'n", champion));
    if (skins.ContainsKey(champion)) 
        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Your random skin for {0} is: {1}'r'n", champion, skins[champion][rnd.Next(skins[champion].Length)]));
        Console.Clear(); //clear the slate so console doesn't look cluttered.

现在,除了你在英雄和他们的皮肤中增加了 127 个奇数之外,这几乎已经完成了。


  • 对处理所有用户输入的Console进行一次调用,其余的都是自动的
  • 检查一个空string,如果它找到一个有效的,并输入击键,就像他们输入一个不正确的值一样,它不会在Dict中找到,所以无论如何它都会"重新启动"程序。因此,他们有两个选择:输入表示为string Key的正确值,或者将其留空并按 Enter 键。
  • 如果找到(输入(空string,它将皮肤Dict Keys转换为List,并根据 0 和所述Count()元素之间的随机数随机选择一个Dict
  • 否则,它将读取输入转换为可用的字符串,以达到此处的目的并继续前进
  • 检查调整后的用户输入或随机选择的string key是否与DictKeys(如果找到(,根据该Keys Value下数组元素的LengthCount输出随机皮肤,此时程序存在。
  • 如果未找到Key(仅基于不正确的用户输入(,则会清除控制台并"重新启动"应用程序。




namespace RandomLolChampSelector
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string[] ahri = { "Academy", "Challenger", "Dynasty", "Foxfire", "Midnight", "Popstar" };
            string[] leeSin = { "Traditional", "Acolyte", "Dragon Fist", "Musy Thai", "Pool Party", "SKT T1", "Knockout" };
            // Creates title for application
            Console.WriteLine("Conor's Random League of Legends Skin Selector v0.1");
            Console.WriteLine(" ");
            Console.WriteLine(" ");
            Random rnd = new Random();
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray;
            Console.WriteLine("What champion would you like to select a skin for?..    ");
            string champion = Console.ReadLine();

                    // Gets user to press a key to run the code
             Console.Write("Press the 'enter' key for a random champion..     ");
             string question = Console.ReadLine();
             if(champion == "ahri")
                int randomNumber = rnd.Next(ahri.Length-1);
             else //If you have more than 2 arrays you will need another if or a case statement
                int randomNumber = rnd.Next(leeSin.Length-1);

我已经修改了您的原始程序(保留尽可能多的代码(以产生预期的行为。 请随意在这里按原样运行并研究我为使其工作所做的工作:

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        string[] ahri = { "Academy", "Challenger", "Dynasty", "Foxfire", "Midnight", "Popstar" };
        string[] leeSin = { "Traditional", "Acolyte", "Dragon Fist", "Musy Thai", "Pool Party", "SKT T1", "Knockout" };
        // Creates title for application
        Console.WriteLine("Conor's Random League of Legends Skin Selector v0.1");
        Console.WriteLine(" ");
        Console.WriteLine(" ");
        Random rnd = new Random();
        Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray;
        // Stores what array has been selected:
        string[] champions;
        Console.WriteLine("What champion would you like to select a skin for?..    ");
        string championName = Console.ReadLine();
        if (championName.Equals("ahri", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
            champions = ahri;
        else if (championName.Equals("leeSin", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
            champions = leeSin;
            // No champion selected, exit program:
            Console.WriteLine("No champion selected, quitting...");
        while (true)
            // Gets user to press a key to run the code
            Console.WriteLine("Press the 'enter' key for a random champion..     ");
            if (Console.ReadKey(true).Key == ConsoleKey.Enter)
                int randomNumber = rnd.Next(champions.Length);