
本文关键字:依赖 类型 何使用 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:33:49

我有几个类采用 ILogger 类型的依赖项。ILogger的实现需要知道它是记录器的类型,即FooILogger将被new Logger(typeof(Foo)),对于Bar它将new Logger(typeof(Bar)),等等。

我希望 Unity 自动注入适当的记录器;换句话说,当我调用 container.Resolve<Foo>() 时,我希望将new Logger(typeof(Foo))注入到Foo实例中。

如何在 Unity 中进行此设置?有没有办法将要解析的类型传递给依赖项?



interface ILogger
class Logger : ILogger
    private readonly Type _type;
    public Logger(Type type)
        _type = type;
class Foo
    private readonly ILogger _logger;
    public Foo(ILogger logger) // here I want a Logger with its type set to Foo
        _logger = logger;

这个相关的问题准确地显示了我想要做什么,而接受的答案正是我正在寻找的那种东西......但它是针对 NInject 的,而不是 Unity。



一个容器扩展,它将记录器构造函数的 Type 参数设置为注入 ILogger 的类型。

瞬态 IBuilderContext.Policy 用于存储 ILogger 注入到的类型。


public class LoggerExtension : UnityContainerExtension
    public static NamedTypeBuildKey LoggerBuildKey = new NamedTypeBuildKey<Logger>();
    protected override void Initialize()
        Context.Strategies.Add(new LoggerTrackingPolicy(), UnityBuildStage.TypeMapping);
        Context.Strategies.Add(new LoggerBuildUpStrategy(), UnityBuildStage.PreCreation);
public class LoggerTrackingPolicy : BuilderStrategy
    public LoggerTrackingPolicy()
    public override void PreBuildUp(IBuilderContext context)
        if (context.BuildKey.Type != typeof(Logger))
            var loggerPolicy = context.Policies.Get<ILoggerPolicy>(LoggerExtension.LoggerBuildKey);
            if (loggerPolicy == null)
                loggerPolicy = new LoggerPolicy();
                context.Policies.Set<ILoggerPolicy>(loggerPolicy, LoggerExtension.LoggerBuildKey);
public class LoggerBuildUpStrategy : BuilderStrategy
    public LoggerBuildUpStrategy()
    public override void PreBuildUp(IBuilderContext context)
        if (context.BuildKey.Type == typeof(Logger))
            var policy = context.Policies.Get<ILoggerPolicy>(LoggerExtension.LoggerBuildKey);
            Type type = policy.Peek();
            if (type != null)
                context.AddResolverOverrides(new ParameterOverride("type", new InjectionParameter(typeof(Type), type)));
    public override void PostBuildUp(IBuilderContext context)
        if (context.BuildKey.Type != typeof(Logger))
            var policy = context.Policies.Get<ILoggerPolicy>(LoggerExtension.LoggerBuildKey);
public interface ILoggerPolicy : IBuilderPolicy
    void Push(Type type);
    Type Pop();
    Type Peek();
public class LoggerPolicy : ILoggerPolicy
    private Stack<Type> types = new Stack<Type>();
    public void Push(Type type)
    public Type Peek()
        if (types.Count > 0)
            return types.Peek();
        return null;
    public Type Pop()
        if (types.Count > 0)
            return types.Pop();
        return null;

它的工作原理是:当一个不是记录器的类型试图被解析时,在TypeMapping阶段(在任何创建之前(,该类型被推送到堆栈上。 稍后,在创建之前,如果类型是 Logger,则会从堆栈中探出它所注入的类型,并将该类型用作解析程序重写。 创建后,如果类型不是记录器,则会从堆栈中弹出。

还有一些代码来确保它正常工作(我在记录器中添加了一个 Type 属性只是为了验证它是否正确设置(:

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        IUnityContainer container = new UnityContainer();
        container.RegisterType<ILogger, Logger>();
        var a = container.Resolve<A>();
        var b = container.Resolve<B>();
        var c = container.Resolve<C>();
        var d = container.Resolve<D>();
        var x = container.Resolve<X>();
public interface ILogger
    Type Type { get; }
public class Logger : ILogger
    private readonly Type _type;
    public Logger(Type type)
        _type = type;
    public Type Type { get { return _type; } }
public class A
    public A(ILogger logger)
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(logger.Type == typeof(A));
public class B
    public B(ILogger logger)
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(logger.Type == typeof(B));
public class C
    public C(A a, D d, B b, ILogger logger)
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(logger.Type == typeof(C));
public class D
    public D()
public class X
    public X(Y y)
public class Y
    public Y(ILogger logger)
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(logger.Type == typeof(Y));

正如@spotco所建议的,我也推荐泛型。 统一注册将使用"开放泛型"完成,如下所示。 通过此单一注册,您可以解析 Logger 的泛型参数中的任何类型。

unityContainer.RegisterType(typeof(ILogger<>), typeof(Logger<>));


public class MyClass 
    public MyClass(ILogger<MyClass> logger) { ... }
