在 C# 中实现选择类型

本文关键字:选择 类型 实现 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:34:13

出于教育原因,我正在尝试在 C# 中实现 F# 中的选择和选项类型。这是受到"现实世界函数式编程"一书和一些博客文章的启发,例如:http://bugsquash.blogspot.de/2011/08/refactoring-to-monadic-c-applicative.html 和 http://tomasp.net/blog/idioms-in-linq.aspx/。


public static void Division()
    Console.WriteLine("Enter two (floating point) numbers:");
        from f1 in ReadDouble().ToChoice("Could not parse input to a double.")
        from f2 in ReadDouble().ToChoice("Could not parse input to a double.")
        from result in Divide(f1, f2).ToChoice("Cannot divide by zero.")
        select result
            x => Console.WriteLine("Result = {0}", x),
            x => Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", x));
public static Option<double> Divide(double a, double b)
    return b == 0 ? Option.None<double>() : Option.Some(a / b);
public static Option<Double> ReadDouble()
    double i;
    if (Double.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out i))
        return Option.Some(i);
        return Option.None<double>();
    public static Option<int> ReadInt()
        int i;
        if (Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out i))
            return Option.Some(i);
            return Option.None<int>();


public enum OptionType
    Some, None
public abstract class Option<T>
    private readonly OptionType _tag;
    protected Option(OptionType tag)
        _tag = tag;
    public OptionType Tag { get { return _tag; } }
    internal bool MatchNone()
        return Tag == OptionType.None;
    internal bool MatchSome(out T value)
        value = Tag == OptionType.Some ? ((Some<T>)this).Value : default(T);
        return Tag == OptionType.Some;
    public void Match(Action<T> onSome, Action onNone)
        if (Tag == OptionType.Some)
    public Choice<T, T2> ToChoice<T2>(T2 value)
        if (Tag == OptionType.Some)
            T some;
            MatchSome(out some);
            return Choice.NewChoice1Of2<T, T2>(some);
            return Choice.NewChoice2Of2<T, T2>(value);
internal class None<T> : Option<T>
    public None() : base(OptionType.None) { }
internal class Some<T> : Option<T>
    public Some(T value)
        : base(OptionType.Some)
        _value = value;
    private readonly T _value;
    public T Value { get { return _value; } }
public static class Option
    public static Option<T> None<T>()
        return new None<T>();
    public static Option<T> Some<T>(T value)
        return new Some<T>(value);
public static class OptionExtensions
    public static Option<TResult> Map<T, TResult>(this Option<T> source, Func<T, TResult> selector)
        T value;
        return source.MatchSome(out value) ? Option.Some(selector(value)) : Option.None<TResult>();
    public static Option<TResult> Bind<T, TResult>(this Option<T> source, Func<T, Option<TResult>> selector)
        T value;
        return source.MatchSome(out value) ? selector(value) : Option.None<TResult>();
    public static Option<TResult> Select<T, TResult>(this Option<T> source, Func<T, TResult> selector)
        return source.Map(selector);
    public static Option<TResult> SelectMany<TSource, TValue, TResult>(this Option<TSource> source, Func<TSource, Option<TValue>> valueSelector, Func<TSource, TValue, TResult> resultSelector)
        return source.Bind(s => valueSelector(s).Map(v => resultSelector(s, v)));


public enum ChoiceType { Choice1Of2, Choice2Of2 };
public abstract class Choice<T1, T2>
    private readonly ChoiceType _tag;
    protected Choice(ChoiceType tag)
        _tag = tag;
    public ChoiceType Tag { get { return _tag; } }
    internal bool MatchChoice1Of2(out T1 value)
        value = Tag == ChoiceType.Choice1Of2 ? ((Choice1Of2<T1, T2>)this).Value : default(T1);
        return Tag == ChoiceType.Choice1Of2;
    internal bool MatchChoice2Of2(out T2 value)
        value = Tag == ChoiceType.Choice2Of2 ? ((Choice2Of2<T1, T2>)this).Value : default(T2);
        return Tag == ChoiceType.Choice2Of2;
    public void Match(Action<T1> onChoice1Of2, Action<T2> onChoice2Of2)
        if (Tag == ChoiceType.Choice1Of2)
            onChoice1Of2(((Choice1Of2<T1, T2>)this).Value);
            onChoice2Of2(((Choice2Of2<T1, T2>)this).Value);
internal class Choice1Of2<T1, T2> : Choice<T1, T2>
    public Choice1Of2(T1 value)
        : base(ChoiceType.Choice1Of2)
        _value = value;
    private readonly T1 _value;
    public T1 Value { get { return _value; } }
internal class Choice2Of2<T1, T2> : Choice<T1, T2>
    public Choice2Of2(T2 value)
        : base(ChoiceType.Choice2Of2)
        _value = value;
    private readonly T2 _value;
    public T2 Value { get { return _value; } }
public static class Choice
    public static Choice<T1, T2> NewChoice1Of2<T1, T2>(T1 value)
        return new Choice1Of2<T1, T2>(value);
    public static Choice<T1, T2> NewChoice2Of2<T1, T2>(T2 value)
        return new Choice2Of2<T1, T2>(value);


它实际上适用于下面的扩展。我不太喜欢的是,此实现向 Choice 类型添加了特定于上下文的行为。这是因为 Choice1Of2 是首选,因为所有扩展方法主要对其进行操作,而不是在 Choice2Of2 或两者上运行。(但这就是消费代码的实际含义,所以我想这是让它工作的唯一方法。

public static Choice<TResult, T2> Map<T1, T2, TResult>(this Choice<T1, T2> source, Func<T1, TResult> selector)
    T1 value1;
    if(source.MatchChoice1Of2(out value1))
        return Choice.NewChoice1Of2<TResult, T2>(selector(value1));
    T2 value2;
    if (source.MatchChoice2Of2(out value2))
        return Choice.NewChoice2Of2<TResult, T2>(value2);
    throw new InvalidOperationException("source (:Choice) has no value.");
public static Choice<TResult, T2> Bind<T1, T2, TResult>(this Choice<T1, T2> source, Func<T1, Choice<TResult, T2>> selector)
    T1 value1;
    if (source.MatchChoice1Of2(out value1))
        return selector(value1);
    T2 value2;
    if (source.MatchChoice2Of2(out value2))
        return Choice.NewChoice2Of2<TResult, T2>(value2);
    throw new InvalidOperationException("source (:Choice) has no value.");
public static Choice<TResult, T2> Select<T1, T2, TResult>(this Choice<T1, T2> source, Func<T1, TResult> selector)
    return source.Map(selector);
public static Choice<TResult, T2> SelectMany<TSource, TValue, T2, TResult>(this Choice<TSource, T2> source, Func<TSource, Choice<TValue, T2>> valueSelector, Func<TSource, TValue, TResult> resultSelector)
    return source.Bind(s => valueSelector(s).Map(v => resultSelector(s, v)));

在 C# 中实现选择类型


public abstract class Choice<T1, T2>
    public abstract Choice<T1, T3> Select<T3>(Func<T2, T3> f);
    public abstract Choice<T1, T3> SelectMany<T3>(Func<T2, Choice<T1, T3>> f);


public override Choice<T1, T3> Select<T3>(Func<T2, T3> f)
    return new Choice1Of2<T1, T3>(this._value);
public override Choice<T1, T3> SelectMany<T3>(Func<T2, Choice<T1, T3>> f)
    return new Choice1Of2<T1, T3>(this._value);


public override Choice<T1, T3> Select<T3>(Func<T2, T3> f)
    return new Choice2Of2<T1, T3>(f(this.Value));
public override Choice<T1, T3> SelectMany<T3>(Func<T2, Choice<T1, T3>> f)
    return f(this._value);


public abstract BiSelect<T3, T4>(Func<T1, T3> ff, Func<T2, T4> fs);

如果要将 SelectMany 与 linq 查询语法一起使用,则需要实现另一个重载,如下所示:

public abstract Choice<T1, T4> SelectMany<T3, T4>(Func<T2, Choice<T1, T3>> f, Func<T2, T3, T4> selector);


public override Choice<T1, T4> SelectMany<T3, T4>(Func<T2, Choice<T1, T3>> f, Func<T2, T3, T4> selector)
    return new Choice1Of2<T1, T4>(this._value);


public override Choice<T1, T4> SelectMany<T3, T4>(Func<T2, Choice<T1, T3>> f, Func<T2, T3, T4> selector)
    T2 val = this._value;
    var e = f(val);
    return e.Select(v => selector(val, v));


var choice = from x in new Choice2Of2<string, int>(1)
             from y in new Choice2Of2<string, int>(4)
             select x + y;


public static class ChoiceExtensions
    // You need this method, because code 'select result' is a LINQ expression and it returns IEnumerable
    public static void Match<T1, T2>(this IEnumerable<Choice<T1, T2>> seq, Action<T1> onChoice1Of2, Action<T2> onChoice2Of2)
        foreach (var choice in seq)
            choice.Match(onChoice1Of2, onChoice2Of2);
    // This method will help with the complex matching
    public static Choice<T1, T2> Flat<T1, T2>(this Choice<Choice<T1, T2>, T2> choice)
        Choice<T1, T2> result = null;
            t1 => result = t1,
            t2 => result = new Choice2Of2<T1, T2>(t2));
        return result;


// Implement IEnumerable to deal with LINQ
public abstract class Choice<T1, T2> : IEnumerable<Choice<T1, T2>>
    IEnumerator<Choice<T1, T2>> IEnumerable<Choice<T1, T2>>.GetEnumerator()
        yield return this;
    public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
        yield return this;
    // These two methods work with your Devide function
    // I think, it is good to throw an exception here, if c is not a choice of 1
    public static implicit operator T1(Choice<T1, T2> c)
        T1 val;
        c.MatchChoice1Of2(out val);
        return val;
    // And you can add exception here too
    public static implicit operator T2(Choice<T1, T2> c)
        T2 val;
        c.MatchChoice2Of2(out val);
        return val;
    // Your Match method returns void, it is not good in functional programming,
    // because, whole purpose of the method returning void is the change state,
    // and in FP state is immutable
    // That's why I've created PureMatch method for you
    public Choice<T1Out, T2Out> PureMatch<T1Out, T2Out>(Func<T1, T1Out> onChoice1Of2, Func<T2, T2Out> onChoice2Of2)
        Choice<T1Out, T2Out> result = null;
            t1 => result = new Choice1Of2<T1Out, T2Out>(onChoice1Of2(t1)),
            t2 => result = new Choice2Of2<T1Out, T2Out>(onChoice2Of2(t2)));
        return result;
    // Continue Choice class


from f1 in ReadDouble().ToChoice("Could not parse input to a double.")
from f2 in ReadDouble().ToChoice("Could not parse input to a double.")
from result in Devide(f1, f2).ToChoice("Cannot devide by zero.")
select result

在最后一行中,您实际上忽略了 F1 和 F2。因此,不可能看到解析错误。最好写:

            from f1 in ReadDouble().ToChoice("Could not parse input to a double.")
            from f2 in ReadDouble().ToChoice("Could not parse input to a double.")
            from result in
                    f1value => f2.PureMatch(
                        f2value => Devide(f1, f2).ToChoice("Cannot devide by zero."),
                        f2err => f2err).Flat(),
                    f1err => f1err
            select result
                x => Console.WriteLine("Result = {0}", x),
                x => Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", x));
