Linq 按名字姓氏分组并从子数组中进行选择

本文关键字:数组 选择 行选 Linq | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:34:19




计划是我可以遍历结果数组,对 MyContacts 对象进行更改,并将对象更新到 EF 存储库中。





class MyAccount
    public string accountName { get; set; }
    public List<MyContact> Contacts { get; set; }
class MyContact
    public string firstname { get; set; }
    public string lastname  { get; set; }
MyContact contactA = new MyContact() { firstname = "Chris", lastname = "b", ID = 100 };
MyContact contactB = new MyContact() { firstname = "Chris", lastname = "b", ID = 101 };
MyContact contactC = new MyContact() { firstname = "Peter", lastname = "Bread", ID = 102 };
MyContact contactD = new MyContact() { firstname = "James", lastname = "apple", ID = 103 };
MyContact contactE = new MyContact() { firstname = "Richard", lastname = "Brian", ID = 104 };
MyContact contactF = new MyContact() { firstname = "James", lastname = "apple", ID = 105 };
List<MyContact> contacts = new List<MyContact>();
contacts.AddRange(new MyContact[] { contactA, contactB, contactC, contactD, contactE, contactF } );
// how do i get a list of items, grouped by same first and lastname?
MyAccount companyA = new MyAccount() { accountName = "CompanyA", Contacts = new List<MyContact>() };
companyA.Contacts.AddRange(new MyContact[] { contactA, contactB, contactC });
MyAccount companyB = new MyAccount() { accountName = "CompanyB", Contacts = new List<MyContact>() };
companyB.Contacts.AddRange(new MyContact[] { contactA, contactB, contactC });
MyAccount companyC = new MyAccount() { accountName = "CompanyB", Contacts = new List<MyContact>() };
companyB.Contacts.AddRange(new MyContact[] { contactA, contactB, contactC, contactD, contactE });
List<MyAccount> companyList = new List<MyAccount>(new MyAccount[] { companyA, companyB, companyC });
// from the companyList, is there any way to get a list of MyContact types grouped by duplicate first and lastname?

Linq 按名字姓氏分组并从子数组中进行选择


    var result = from c in contacts
                 group c by new { c.firstname, c.lastname } into g
                 select g.ToList();
    var result1 = from c in companyList.SelectMany(company => company.Contacts)
                  group c by new { c.firstname, c.lastname } into g
                  select g.ToList();

现在你得到了 IE无数的列表。

首先,如果您打算拥有大量数据,我强烈建议您使用HashSet而不是List。主要区别在于HashSet具有O(1(速度进行碰撞测试(搜索重复属性(,而如果您使用List,则使用O(n(算法。据我了解,您的最终意图是合并不同地址簿的列表并获得唯一值。如果要合并两个 List 并仅获取唯一值,请使用 linq 的 Union 函数;如果只想获取两个列表中重复的值,请使用 Instersect