
本文关键字:类型 构造函数 泛型类 Scala | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:35:02

以下是我移植到 Scala 中的 C# 代码的味道。无需担心细节。

public class GridBase<HexT, SideT, UnitT, SegT> : IGridBase
    where HexT : Hex
    where SideT : Side
    where UnitT : Unit
    where SegT : ISeg
  public GridBase(Geometry<HexT, SideT, UnitT, SegT> geom, IGridBase orig)
  this.geom = geom;
public class Scen: Descrip<HexC, SideC, UnitC>, IListsGeom<HexC, SideC, UnitC>
    public Geometry<HexC, SideC, UnitC, ISegC> geomC;
    public override IGeom iGeom { get { return geomC; } }
    public HexCList hexCs { get; private set; }
    public override HexList<HexC> hexs { get { return hexCs; } }
    public SideCList sideCs { get; private set; }
    public override SideList<SideC> sides { get { return sideCs; } }   
    public UnitCList unitCs { get; private set; }
    public override KeyList<UnitC> units { get { return unitCs; } }

正如Martin Odersky所指出的,泛型的问题在于类型参数引用及其约束引用的数量往往会爆炸。但是,对于 GridBase 类,我需要通过泛型而不是抽象类型来解析类型。所以我希望能够从一个类型参数中获取多种类型。所以在 Scala 中,我为我的类型创建了一个特征:

abstract class Hex(val num1: Int){} //These are declared in their own files
abstract class Side {val sideString = "This is a side"}
trait DescripTypes //separate file
  type HexT <: Hex
  type SideT <: Side
class ScenTypes extends DescripTypes //separate file
{ //This is an ex of an implemntation of the above in a different package
  type HexT = HexC
  type SideT = SideC


class GridBase[T <: DescripTypes](val myHex: HexT) extends DescripTypes
{//Compiler doesn't recognise the HexT type in the constructor  
  other: DescripTypes =>
  type other = T  
  var testvar = 5   //The rest does nothing at useful at the moment
  var testvar2 = "" //just for testing
  def mymethod(var1: HexT) //Compiler recognises HexT
    testvar += var1.num1 //This compiles fine
  def method2(var1: SideT) //Compiler recognises SideT
    testvar2 = var1.sideString //This compiles fine


由于某种原因,我似乎无法在 GridBase 类构造函数中使用 DescripType 的类型成员,尽管我可以在类体内很好地使用它们。任何帮助表示赞赏。但这也是从一个类型参数中获取多种类型的最佳方法吗?




#称为类型投影,用于指代内部类型。我对术语不熟悉,因此不会详细介绍,但作为准则,您在执行类型级操作时使用A#B(另请参阅类型 lambdas(,而A.B与路径相关的类型相关。


虽然没有直接关系,但这可能被证明是一个很好的读物: 表达式问题的独立可扩展解决方案



class GridBase[T <: DescripTypes](val myHex: T#HexT) { this: T =>
  var testvar = 5
  var testvar2 = ""
  def mymethod(var1: HexT) {
    testvar += var1.num1
  def method2(var1: SideT) {
    testvar2 = var1.sideString



class GridBase[T <: DescripTypes](val myHex: T#HexT) {
  var testvar = 5
  var testvar2 = ""
  def mymethod(var1: T#HexT) {
    testvar += var1.num1
  def method2(var1: T#SideT) {
    testvar2 = var1.sideString

您必须指定 DescripTypes 的子类,然后可以使用这些子类中定义的类型别名。

val scenType = new ScenTypes
val scenTypeHex = new scenType.HexT
val scenTypeSide = new scenType.SideT
val gb_st = new GridBase[ScenTypes](scenTypeHex)
// and the same for some other subclass of DescribTypes
val scenType2 = new ScenTypes2
val scenType2Hex = new scenType2.HexT
val scenType2Side = new scenType2.SideT
val gb_st2 = new GridBase[ScenTypes2](scenType2Hex)
// Does not compile: