
本文关键字:二维数组 拆分 字符串 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:36:05

如何在 C# 控制台应用中将拆分字符串转换为二维数组?

char[,] table2x2 = new char[2, 2]; 
string myString = "11A23A4A5A"; 
string[] splitA = myString.Split(new char[] { 'A' });


Console.WriteLine(table3x3[0, 0]); //output: 11
Console.WriteLine(table3x3[0, 1]); //output: 23
Console.WriteLine(table3x3[1, 0]); //output: 4
Console.WriteLine(table3x3[1, 1]); //output: 5



// your code, char[,] replaced by string[,]
string[,] table2x2 = new string[2, 2];  
string myString = "11A23A4A5A"; 
string[] splitA = myString.Split(new char[] { 'A' }); 
// this converts splitA into a 2D array
// Math.Min is used to avoid filling past the array bounds
for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(splitA.Length, 2*2); i++) {
    table2x2[i / 2, i % 2] = splitA[i];