在 c# 中将列表视图的内容另存为 CSV 文件

本文关键字:另存为 CSV 文件 视图 列表 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:36:34

我有一个独立的 c# 应用程序,它有一个列表视图,显示我的程序读取的数据。我正在将其保存为 excel 文件,它工作得很好,但是保存时的数据全部转储在列中,我尝试将其另存为 csv 文件,但我无法让它做我想做的事情,让每个不同的都在单独的列上,请任何提醒都非常欢迎这就是我的输出的设计方式,我希望当我打开 excel 文件时,每个输出都应该在单独的列上。

   listView1.Items.Add(vis.brand+ "," + (vis.Count) + ","vis.model + "," + Math.Round(vis.sum));

在 c# 中将列表视图的内容另存为 CSV 文件

可以使用此示例,选择 C# 版本。


    private void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //declare new SaveFileDialog + set it's initial properties
            SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog {
                Title = "Choose file to save to",
                FileName = "example.csv",
                Filter = "CSV (*.csv)|*.csv",
                FilterIndex = 0,
                InitialDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments)
            //show the dialog + display the results in a msgbox unless cancelled
            if (sfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) {
                string[] headers = ListView1.Columns
                           .Select(header => header.Text.Trim())
                string[][] items = ListView1.Items
                            .Select(lvi => lvi.SubItems
                                .Select(si => si.Text).ToArray()).ToArray();
                string table = string.Join(",", headers) + Environment.NewLine;
                foreach (string[] a in items)
                    //a = a_loopVariable;
                    table += string.Join(",", a) + Environment.NewLine;
                table = table.TrimEnd(''r', ''n');
                System.IO.File.WriteAllText(sfd.FileName, table);


如果任何字符串中有逗号或引号,则会弄乱输出。 例如,如果您有一个包含"姓氏"和"名字"列的 CSV,则后缀为", Jr"的人会扔掉逗号:

LastName, FirstName
Smith, John
Baker, Jr, Fred


static public class CsvExtensions
    static public string CsvQuote(this string text)
        if (text == null)
            return string.Empty;
        bool containsQuote = false;
        bool containsComma = false;
        bool containsNewline = false;
        bool containsCR = false;
        int len = text.Length;
        for (int i = 0; i < len && (containsComma == false || containsQuote == false); i++)
            char ch = text[i];
            if (ch == '"')
                containsQuote = true;
            else if (ch == ',')
                containsComma = true;
            else if (ch == ''r')
                containsCR = true;
            else if (ch == ''n')
                containsNewline = true;
        bool mustQuote = containsComma || containsQuote || containsCR || containsNewline;
        if (containsQuote)
            text = text.Replace("'"", "'"'"");
        if (mustQuote)
            return "'"" + text + "'"";  // Quote the cell and replace embedded quotes with double-quote
            return text;


table += string.Join(",", a) + Environment.NewLine;


table += string.Join(",", a.CsvQuote()) + Environment.NewLine;