
本文关键字:计算 区别 之间 逻辑运算符 条件运算符 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:36:43

我在应用程序中弄清楚 if else 语句的正确实现时遇到了麻烦。目前,我正在使用条件运算符 &&|| 进行比较,但是当我的应用程序在市场中启动时,我的代码没有按计划运行。从本质上讲,它应该的工作方式是,如果计数大于 100 并且应用程序仍然是试用许可证,则要求升级,否则,如果计数小于或等于 100 并且应用程序仍然是试用许可证或应用程序是完整许可证,则允许执行 ApplyAndSaveAsync 方法。

Settings.SavedCount.Value += 1;
        if ((Settings.SavedCount.Value > 100) && (TrialViewModel.LicenseModeString == "Trial"))
            MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("You have saved over 100 items! Would you like to continue?", "Congratulations", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel);
            switch (result)
                case MessageBoxResult.OK:
                    // A command takes a parameter and in this case we can pass null.
                case MessageBoxResult.Cancel:
        else if (((Settings.SavedCount.Value <= 100) && (TrialViewModel.LicenseModeString == "Trial")) || (TrialViewModel.LicenseModeString == "Full"))

需要注意的是,TrialViewModel.LicenseModeString可以在字符串比较中TrialFull,并且它似乎工作正常。 Settings.SavedCount.Value也在适当地递增。 TrialViewModel.LicenseModeString查询在应用程序中自动设置的许可证状态,无论用户下载试用版还是完整版,或者当用户将试用版升级到完整版时,我认为这不是问题所在。出于某种原因,在从市场中以试用和完整状态测试我的应用时,ApplyAndSaveAsync方法永远不会执行?

我尝试撤消TrialViewModel.LicenseModeStringSettings.Saved.Count.Value的检查,以便首先检查计数,但我不确定这是否有帮助。我引用了 http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa691310(v=vs.71).aspx其中指出The operation x && y corresponds to the operation x & y, except that y is evaluated only if x is true. The operation x || y corresponds to the operation x | y, except that y is evaluated only if x is false.所以我不确定我下面的陈述是否合适?

Settings.SavedCount.Value += 1;
        if ((Settings.SavedCount.Value > 100) && (TrialViewModel.LicenseModeString == "Trial"))
            //MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("You have saved over 100 filtered pictures! Would you like to continue?", "Congratulations", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel);
            MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show(AppResources.EditPage_MessageBoxContent_Purchase, AppResources.EditPage_MessageBoxCaption_Purchase, MessageBoxButton.OKCancel);
            switch (result)
                case MessageBoxResult.OK:
                    // A command takes a parameter and in this case we can pass null.
                case MessageBoxResult.Cancel:
                    if (editPagePivotControl != null && editPagePivotControl.SelectedIndex != 0)
                        //trialPopup.IsOpen = false;
                        editPagePivotControl.SelectedIndex = 0;
        else if (((Settings.SavedCount.Value <= 100) && (TrialViewModel.LicenseModeString == "Trial")) || (TrialViewModel.LicenseModeString == "Full"))


Settings.SavedCount.Value += 1;
        if ((Settings.SavedCount.Value > 1) & (TrialViewModel.LicenseModeString == "Trial"))
            //MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("You have saved over 100 filtered pictures! Would you like to continue?", "Congratulations", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel);
            MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show(AppResources.EditPage_MessageBoxContent_Purchase, AppResources.EditPage_MessageBoxCaption_Purchase, MessageBoxButton.OKCancel);
            switch (result)
                case MessageBoxResult.OK:
                    // A command takes a parameter and in this case we can pass null.
                case MessageBoxResult.Cancel:
                    if (editPagePivotControl != null && editPagePivotControl.SelectedIndex != 0)
                        //trialPopup.IsOpen = false;
                        editPagePivotControl.SelectedIndex = 0;
        else if (((Settings.SavedCount.Value <= 1) & (TrialViewModel.LicenseModeString == "Trial")) | (TrialViewModel.LicenseModeString == "Full"))


#region fields
    private RelayCommand buyCommand;
    #endregion fields
    #region constructors
    public TrialViewModel()
        // Subscribe to the helper class's static LicenseChanged event so that we can re-query its LicenseMode property when it changes.
        TrialExperienceHelper.LicenseChanged += TrialExperienceHelper_LicenseChanged;
    #endregion constructors
    #region properties        
    /// <summary>
    /// You can bind the Command property of a Button to BuyCommand. When the Button is clicked, BuyCommand will be
    /// invoked. The Button will be enabled as long as BuyCommand can execute.
    /// </summary>
    public RelayCommand BuyCommand
            if (this.buyCommand == null)
                // The RelayCommand is constructed with two parameters - the action to perform on invocation,
                // and the condition under which the command can execute. It's important to call RaiseCanExecuteChanged
                // on a command whenever its can-execute condition might have changed. Here, we do that in the TrialExperienceHelper_LicenseChanged
                // event handler.
                this.buyCommand = new RelayCommand(
                    param => TrialExperienceHelper.Buy(),
                    param => TrialExperienceHelper.LicenseMode == TrialExperienceHelper.LicenseModes.Trial);
            return this.buyCommand;
    public string LicenseModeString
            return TrialExperienceHelper.LicenseMode.ToString()/* + ' ' + AppResources.ModeString*/;
    #endregion properties
    #region event handlers
    // Handle TrialExperienceHelper's LicenseChanged event by raising property changed notifications on the
    // properties and commands that 
    internal void TrialExperienceHelper_LicenseChanged()
    #endregion event handlers


#region enums
    /// <summary>
    /// The LicenseModes enumeration describes the mode of a license.
    /// </summary>
    public enum LicenseModes
    #endregion enums
    #region fields
    // Determines how a debug build behaves on launch. This field is set to LicenseModes.Full after simulating a purchase.
    // Calling the Buy method (or navigating away from the app and back) will simulate a purchase.
    internal static LicenseModes simulatedLicMode = LicenseModes.Trial;
#endif // DEBUG
    private static bool isActiveCache;
    private static bool isTrialCache;
    #endregion fields
    #region constructors
    // The static constructor effectively initializes the cache of the state of the license when the app is launched. It also attaches
    // a handler so that we can refresh the cache whenever the license has (potentially) changed.
    static TrialExperienceHelper()
        PhoneApplicationService.Current.Activated += (object sender, ActivatedEventArgs e) => TrialExperienceHelper.
            // In debug configuration, when the user returns to the application we will simulate a purchase.

OnSimulatedPurchase(); #else//调试 在发布配置中,当用户返回到应用程序时,我们将刷新缓存。刷新缓存(); #endif//调试 } #endregion 构造函数

    #region properties
    /// <summary>
    /// The LicenseMode property combines the active and trial states of the license into a single
    /// enumerated value. In debug configuration, the simulated value is returned. In release configuration,
    /// if the license is active then it is either trial or full. If the license is not active then
    /// it is either missing or revoked.
    /// </summary>
    public static LicenseModes LicenseMode
            return simulatedLicMode;
#else // DEBUG
            if (TrialExperienceHelper.isActiveCache)
                return TrialExperienceHelper.isTrialCache ? LicenseModes.Trial : LicenseModes.Full;
            else // License is inactive.
                return LicenseModes.MissingOrRevoked;
#endif // DEBUG
    /// <summary>
    /// The IsFull property provides a convenient way of checking whether the license is full or not.
    /// </summary>
    public static bool IsFull
            return (TrialExperienceHelper.LicenseMode == LicenseModes.Full);
    #endregion properties
    #region methods
    /// <summary>
    /// The Buy method can be called when the license state is trial. the user is given the opportunity
    /// to buy the app after which, in all configurations, the Activated event is raised, which we handle.
    /// </summary>
    public static void Buy()
        MarketplaceDetailTask marketplaceDetailTask = new MarketplaceDetailTask();
        marketplaceDetailTask.ContentType = MarketplaceContentType.Applications;
    /// <summary>
    /// This method can be called at any time to refresh the values stored in the cache. We re-query the application object
    /// for the current state of the license and cache the fresh values. We also raise the LicenseChanged event.
    /// </summary>
    public static void RefreshCache()
        TrialExperienceHelper.isActiveCache = CurrentApp.LicenseInformation.IsActive;
        TrialExperienceHelper.isTrialCache = CurrentApp.LicenseInformation.IsTrial;
    private static void RaiseLicenseChanged()
        if (TrialExperienceHelper.LicenseChanged != null)
    private static void OnSimulatedPurchase()
        TrialExperienceHelper.simulatedLicMode = LicenseModes.Full;
#endif // DEBUG
    #endregion methods
    #region events
    /// <summary>
    /// The static LicenseChanged event is raised whenever the value of the LicenseMode property has (potentially) changed.
    /// </summary>
    public static event LicenseChangedEventHandler LicenseChanged;
    #endregion events    



顺便说一下,在您的情况下,无论您使用 && 运算符还是&运算符都没有区别。当逻辑表达式的一部分是方法时,它确实会有所不同。例如:

int i = 0;
if ((i >= 100) & (a.IncreaseCounter() > 5))
  // a.IncreaseCounter() will be executed even while i is less than 100
if ((i >= 100) && (a.IncreaseCounter() > 5))
  // a.IncreaseCounter() will not be excuted 

第一个 if 语句首先计算表达式的两端,然后检查表达式是真还是假。第二条语句使评估短路。 因为左压是假的,所以它不会评估右边,因为它已经知道最终结果将是假的。