
本文关键字:详细信息 实现 隐藏 父类 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:36:56


我觉得父方法必须拥有所有东西来处理它们包含的类,这很奇怪。现在我有重复的方法,就像 Knife Cut()一样,现在 Robot 必须UseCutOnKnife()才能在 Knife 上调用Cut(),因为良好的 OOP 实践是将 Knife 抽象出来,让它感觉像订购机器人一样,而不必担心像 Knife 这样的内部信息。

另一个问题,如果我创作音乐,我会创建一个包含许多Measure类来存储音符信息的类Music。在一个度量值中,其中可以有许多Note类,哪个 Note 类将包含诸如此注释驻留在度量值中的什么位置或该注释播放多长时间之类的信息。现在我想在措施的中间位置添加一条关于措施 45 的注释。要创建度量,我必须在音乐上调用CreateMeasure(45),然后在测量上调用CreateNote(0.5f)?创建的方法就是这样在父级上?如果现在我想将该注释更改为度量值上的 0.25,那么负责更改 Note 的方法的人是 Note 类本身还是Measure类?或者我必须实现更改最顶层Music类笔记的方法?


class Music
     List<Measure> measures = new List<Measure>();
class Measure
     int measureNumber;
     List<Note> notes = new List<Note>();
class Note
     float positionInMeasure; //from 0 to 1





interface ITool {
    void Use();


class Knife : ITool {
    public void Use() {
        //do the cutting logic

现在,您将通过机器人上的 ITool 界面使用该工具,不知道它是什么工具:

class Robot {
    private ITool currentTool = null;
    public void Pickup(ITool tool)
        currentTool = tool;
    public void UseTool() {


 Robot robot = new Robot();
 robot.Pickup(new Knife());


interface Item
    void Use();
class Knife : Item
    public void Use()
        // cut action

现在,每个实现Item的类都将有自己的 Use 方法实现,以实现其特定操作。


class Robot
     public Item CurrentItem { get; private set; }
     public void PickUpItem(Item i)
         CurrentItem = i;
     public void UseItem()
         CurrentItem.Use(); // will call Use generically on whatever item you're holding

Robot r = new Robot();
r.PickUpItem(new Knife());
r.UseItem(); // uses knife
r.PickUpItem(new Hammer());
r.UseItem(); // uses hammer

对于机器人示例,在 C# 中,我将从这样的东西开始:

public class Robot
    private IList<Tool> tools = new List<Tool>();
    public void PickUpTool(Tool newTool)
        // you might check here if he already has the tool being added
    public void DropTool(Tool oldTool)
        // you should check here if he's holding the tool he's being told to drop
    public void UseTool(Tool toolToUse)
        // you might check here if he's holding the tool,
        // or automatically add the tool if he's not holding it, etc.
public interface Tool
    void Use();
public class Knife : Tool
    public void Use()
        // do some cutting
public class Hammer : Tool
    public void Use()
        // do some hammering

因此,Robot只需要知道它有工具,但它不一定关心它们是什么,也绝对不在乎它们是如何操作的。 它只是通过标准接口使用它们。 这些工具可以包含其他方法和数据,只是此示例不包含。

基本上,我建议您使用 Pickup(Tool tool) 方法创建 Robot 类。 Tool 是一个从中继承具体工具类的接口。



对于音乐部分,我不确定我会这样做。特别是,我不会将度量值的位置保留在度量值本身中,注释及其位置也是如此。我不太喜欢的另一件事是,您的位置似乎总是绝对值,这在修改现有音乐时无济于事。也许我在这里遗漏了一些东西,但是当你执行 CreateMeasure(45) 并且你的音乐中已经有 90 个小节时会发生什么?您必须更新以下所有措施。对于音符位置,我想你使用浮点是为了能够代表一种"绝对"位置,即何时演奏音符,而不仅仅是它在另一个音符之后出现的事实。我认为我更愿意引入持续时间属性和暂停类。最后,我不会将方法从 Note 传播到 Music,但我会将属性保留为公共,正如您所说,我将链接方法以最终调用最里面的类。最后,我的类看起来类似于这些:

public class Music
     public List<Measure> measures = new List<Measure>();
     public Measure AddMeasure() 
         Measure newM = new Measure();
         return newM;
     public Measure CreateMeasure(int pos) 
         Measure newM = new Measure();
         measures.Insert(pos, newM);
         return newM;
     public Measure CreateMeasureAfter(Measure aMeasure) 
         Measure newM = new Measure();
         int idx = measures.IndexOf(aMeasure);
         measures.Insert(idx + 1, newM);
         return newM;
     public Measure CreateMeasureBefore(Measure aMeasure) 
         Measure newM = new Measure();
         int idx = measures.IndexOf(aMeasure);
         measures.Insert(idx, newM);
         return newM;
public class Measure
     public List<ANote> notes = new List<ANote>();
     public void AddANote(ANote aNote) 
     public void AddANote(int pos, ANote aNote) 
         notes.Insert(pos, aNote);
     public void AddANoteAfter(ANote aNote, ANote newNote) 
         int idx = notes.IndexOf(aNote);
         notes.Insert(idx + 1, newNote);
     public void AddANoteBefore(ANote aNote, ANote newNote) 
         int idx = notes.IndexOf(aNote);
         notes.Insert(idx, newNote);
public abstract class ANote
    public int duration;  // something like 4 for a quarter note/pause and so on
    // your stuff
public class Note : aNote
     float frequency; //or whatever else define a note
    // your stuff
public class Pause: aNote
    // your stuff

Action<>可以提供帮助,这里有一些关于它的有用信息 动作和功能 它帮助我理解ActionFunc所以总的来说,这是一个很棒的帖子。


public abstract class Task
    public abstract void Perform(Robot theRobot);
public class Cut : Task
    public string What { get; private set; }
    public Cut(string what)
       What = what;
    public override void Perform(Robot theRobot)
        var knife = theRobot.ToolBeingHeld as Knife;
        if (knife == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("Must be holding a Knife.");
        Console.WriteLine("to cut {0}.", What);
public class Stab : Task
    public override void Perform(Robot theRobot)
         var knife = theRobot.ToolBeingHeld as Knife;
         if (knife == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("Must be holding a Knife.");
         Console.WriteLine("to stab.");
public class Bore : Task
    public override void Perform(Robot theRobot)
         var drill = theRobot.ToolBeingHeld as Drill;
         if (drill == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("Must be holding a Drill.");
         Console.WriteLine("to bore a hole.");
public abstract class Tool
    public abstract void Use(Robot theRobot);
    public abstract void PickUp(Robot theRobot);
    public abstract void PutDown(Robot theRobot);
public class Knife : Tool
    public Knife(string kind)
        Kind = kind;
    public string Kind { get; private set; }
    public override void Use(Robot theRobot)
       Console.Write("{0} used a {1} knife ", theRobot.Name, Kind);
    public override void PickUp(Robot theRobot)
       Console.WriteLine("{0} wielded a {1} knife.", theRobot.Name, Kind);
    public override void PutDown(Robot theRobot)
       Console.WriteLine("{0} put down a {1} knife.", theRobot.Name, Kind);
public class Drill : Tool
    public override void Use(Robot theRobot)
       Console.Write("{0} used a drill ", theRobot.Name);
    public override void PickUp(Robot theRobot)
       Console.WriteLine("{0} picked up a drill.", theRobot.Name);
    public override void PutDown(Robot theRobot)
       Console.WriteLine("{0} put down a drill.", theRobot.Name);
public class Robot
    public Robot(string name)
        Name = name;
    public string Name { get; private set; }
    public Tool ToolBeingHeld { get; private set; }
    public void PickUp(Tool tool)
        if (ToolBeingHeld != null) ToolBeingHeld.PutDown(this);
        ToolBeingHeld = tool;
    public void PutDown()
        if (ToolBeingHeld != null) ToolBeingHeld.PutDown(this);
        ToolBeingHeld = null;
    public void Perform(Task task)


var robot = new Robot("Fred the Robot");
robot.PickUp(new Knife("butcher")); // output is "Fred the Robot wielded a butcher knife."
robot.Perform(new Cut("a leg")); // output is "Fred the Robot used a butcher knife to cut a leg."
robot.Perform(new Stab()); // output is "Fred the Robot used a butcher knife to stab."
try { robot.Perform(new Bore()); } // InvalidOperationException: Must be holding a drill.
catch(InvalidOperationException) {}
robot.PutDown(); // output is "Fred the Robot put down a butcher knife."