确定 int 是否在列表或区域中

本文关键字:区域 列表 int 是否 确定 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:37:09

如何确定给定的int是否对应于给定的"模式"。"模式"可以由 int 或 int 范围组成。


    //Eg of pattern 
    // 10,12,14,16
    // [10-20];21;23
    public bool IsInPattern(int inputToTest, string pattern)

下面的模式定义为一个字符串,其中包含由";"分隔的内部模式列表。内部模式可以是 int 或范围 [下限-上界]。

我相信这可以通过正则表达式实现,但我并没有没有成功做到。另外,我更喜欢比if subPattern.StartWith('[') then lowerBound = subPattern.Substring等更优雅的解决方案......

确定 int 是否在列表或区域中


public bool IsInSequence(int inputToTest, IEnumerable<int> sequence)
    return sequence.Contains(inputToTest);
public bool IsInRange(int inputToTest, int start, int end)
    return inputToTest>= start && inputToTest<=end ;


public bool IsInPattern(int inputToTest, string pattern)
    var numbers = new List<int>();
    var tokens = pattern.Split(new []{",", " ", "or"}, 
    bool to_flag = false;
    foreach(var t in tokens)
        int n;
        if (Int32.TryParse(t, out n))
            if (to_flag) 
                numbers.AddRange(Enumerable.Range(numbers.Last() + 1, 
                                                  n - numbers.Last()));
            to_flag = false;
        else if (t == "to") to_flag = true;
        else throw new Exception("invalid pattern");
    return numbers.Contains(inputToTest);


IsInPattern(11, "10,12,14,16"); // false
IsInPattern(12, "10,12,14,16"); // true
IsInPattern(11, "10 to 20 or 21 or 23");// true
IsInPattern(22, "10 to 20 or 21 or 23");// false


pattern.Split(',').Where(sub=>sub == inputToTest.ToString())



public bool IsInPattern(int inputToTest, string pattern)
    if (pattern.Contains(","))
        return pattern.Split(',').Contains(inputToTest.ToString());
        var temp = pattern.Split(';');
        if (temp.Contains(inputToTest.ToString()))
            return true;
            temp = temp.RemoveAll(x => !x.Contains("-"));
            foreach (var x in temp)
                string[] a = x.Split("-").Select(x => x.Trim('[',']')).ToArray();
                if (IsInRange(inputToTest, int.Parse(a[0]), int.Parse(a[1])))
                    return true;
    return false;
public bool IsInRange(int inputToTest, int start, int end)
    return inputToTest >= start && inputToTest <=end;


public interface ISpecification<T>
    bool IsSatisfiedBy(T value);


public class RangeSpecification : ISpecification<int>
    private readonly int _from;
    private readonly int _to;
    public RangeSpecification(int from, int to)
        _to = to;
        _from = from;
    public bool IsSatisfiedBy(int value)
        return _from <= value && value <= _to;


public class InSpecification : ISpecification<int>
    private readonly int[] _values;
    public InSpecification(params int[] values)
        _values = values;
    public bool IsSatisfiedBy(int value)
        return _values.Contains(value);


var rangeSpec = new RangeSpecification(10, 15);
var is13inRange = rangeSpec.IsSatisfiedBy(13); // true
var is20inRange = rangeSpec.IsSatisfiedBy(20); // false
var inSpec = new InSpecification(1,2,5,8);
var is13inList = inSpec.IsSatisfiedBy(13); // false


public class OrSpecification<T> : ISpecification<T>
    private readonly ISpecification<T> _left;
    private readonly ISpecification<T> _right;
    public OrSpecification(ISpecification<T> left, ISpecification<T> right)
        _right = right;
        _left = left;
    public bool IsSatisfiedBy(T value)
        return _left.IsSatisfiedBy(value) || _right.IsSatisfiedBy(value);

此规范将帮助我们构建 OR 条件,以检查值是否满足任何提供的规范。我还使用扩展方法来构建规范:

public static class SpecificationExtensions
    public static ISpecification<T> Or<T>(
        this ISpecification<T> left, ISpecification<T> right)
        return new OrSpecification<T>(left, right);


var spec = new RangeSpecification(10, 15).Or(new InSpecification(1,2,5,8));
var result = spec.IsSatisfiedBy(8); // true


public class SpecificationParser
    public static ISpecification<int> Parse(string input)
        var parts = input.Split(';');
        return parts.Aggregate(ParseSpec(parts[0]), 
                               (spec, s) => spec.Or(ParseSpec(s)));
    private static ISpecification<int> ParseSpec(string s)
        var match = Regex.Match(s, @"'[('d+)-('d+)']");
        if (match.Success)
            int from = Int32.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value);
            int to = Int32.Parse(match.Groups[2].Value);
            return new RangeSpecification(from, to);
        return new InSpecification(s.Split(',').Select(Int32.Parse).ToArray());


var spec1 = SpecificationParser.Parse("10, 12, 14, 16");
spec1.IsSatisfiedBy(11); // false
var spec2 = SpecificationParser.Parse("[10-20];21;23,25");
spec2.IsSatisfiedBy(9); // false
spec2.IsSatisfiedBy(19); // true
spec2.IsSatisfiedBy(22); // false

这是一个具有不同 IPatternInterpretter 实现的解决方案。PatternInterpretter 的 Interpret 方法输入字符串表达式,并通过处理字符串表达式返回其 Func 表示形式。

您应该为每种不同类型的模式字符串实现 IPatternInterpretter。毕竟,您可以编写一个 PatternInterpretterFactory,它输入单个字符串模式并决定要实例化的解释器。

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        const string commaSeperatedPattern = "10,12,14,16";
        const string literallyExpressedPattern = "10 to 20 or 21 or 23";
        int input = 10;
        var commaSeperatedFunc = new CommaSeperatedPatternInterpretter().Interpret(commaSeperatedPattern);
        var literallyExpressedFunc = new LiterallyExpressedPatternInterpretter().Interpret(literallyExpressedPattern);
        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("CommaSeperatedResult: {0} 'nLiterallyExpressedResult: {1}",

public interface IPatternInterpretter
    Func<int, bool> Interpret(string pattern);
/// <summary>
/// Patterns like "10,12,14,16"
/// </summary>
public class CommaSeperatedPatternInterpretter : IPatternInterpretter
    public Func<int, bool> Interpret(string pattern)
        Func<int, bool> result = (input) => pattern.Split(',').Select(x => int.Parse(x.Trim())).Contains(input);
        return result;
/// <summary>
/// Patterns like "10 to 20 or 21 or 23"
/// </summary>
public class LiterallyExpressedPatternInterpretter : IPatternInterpretter
    public Func<int, bool> Interpret(string pattern)
        Func<int, bool> result = (x) => false;
        List<string> items = pattern.Split(' ').Select(x => x.Trim().ToLower()).ToList();
        var ors = new List<int>();
        var intervals = new List<Array>();
        for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++)
            var item = items[i];
            if (item.Equals("or") && i < items.Count-1)
                ors.Add(int.Parse(items[i + 1]));
            else if (item.Equals("to") && i < items.Count-1 && i > 0)
                intervals.Add(new int[] {int.Parse(items[i - 1]), int.Parse(items[i + 1])});
        return x => ors.Contains(x) || intervals.Any(i => x > (int) i.GetValue(0) && x < (int) i.GetValue(1));