
本文关键字:拆分 接口 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:37:14


class A
    public IB B {get; set;}
interface IB
class B : IB
  //IB methods
public SimpleMockTest()
   var mockIB = new Mock<IB>();
   var a = new A{B=mockIB.Object};
   //do stuff with A, then verify methods on IB were called       
public TheKindOfTestIWantToDo()
   var actualB = new B();
   var mockIB = new Mock<IB>();
   var splitter = new Splitter<IB>(actualB, mockIB.Object); //I need something like this
   var a = new A{B=splitter};
   //do stuff with A, methods invoked on splitter IB get passed to both supplied instances
   //of IB (actualB, and the mockIB). Allowing me to verify the calls as well as have the methods invoked on the actual B object.
   var mockIB2 = new Mock<IB>(actualB); //behaviour is dictated by the actual, but allows verification
   var a2 = new A{B=mockIB2.Object};







public TheKindOfTestIWantToDo()
   var actualB = new B();
   var mockIB = new Mock<IB>();
   mockIB.Setup(b => b.Foo()).Returns(() => actualB.Foo())
   var a = new A { B = mockIB };
   //do stuff with A, methods invoked on splitter IB get passed to both supplied instances
   //of IB (actualB, and the mockIB). Allowing me to verify the calls as well as have the methods invoked on the actual B object.

不过,您可能应该重新考虑您的单元测试策略。 A的行为应该是可测试的,而不依赖于B的行为。 尝试让mockIB返回特定值,然后为 B 编写一组不同的测试。