WCF 从 WCF 服务获取实体

本文关键字:WCF 实体 获取 服务 | 更新日期: 2024-10-25 00:01:09

我有一个WCF服务库和Widnows Form作为客户端。我有 EF ADO.NET 数据库我想列出所有产品(衣服)及其尺寸。(关系 1 对多)。

public partial class ProductsEntity
    public ProductsEntity()
        this.Sizes = new HashSet<SizesEntity>();
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public decimal Price { get; set; }
    public virtual ICollection<SizesEntity> Sizes{ get; set; }


public class Products
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public string Name{ get; set; }
    public decimal Price { get; set; }
    public virtual ICollection<SizesEntity> Sizes{ get; set; }
public class Sizes
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public int Name { get; set; }
    public Nullable<int> Quantity { get; set; }
    public int ID_Product { get; set; }
    public virtual ProductsEntity Products { get; set; }


public class Products_with_sizes
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public decimal Price { get; set; }
    public int S { get; set; }
    public int M { get; set; }
    public int L { get; set; }
using (var context = new dbMagazynierEntities())
                var q = (from p in context.Products
                            where p.Name.Contains(name) && p.Price>= Price_from && p.Price <= Price_to
                            join r in context.Sizes
                                on p.ID equals r.Prodcuts.ID
                                into sizes
                            select new
                                ID = p.ID,
                                Name= p.Name,
                                Price = p.Price,
                                S = sizes.Where(x => x.Name== 0).Sum(x => x.Quantity) ?? 0,
                                M = sizes.Where(x => x.Name== 1).Sum(x => x.Quantity) ?? 0,
                                L = sizes.Where(x => x.Name== 2).Sum(x => x.Quantity) ?? 0,
                odp = new List<Products_with_sizes>();
                foreach (var item in q)
                    odp.Add(new Products_with_sizes{ ID = item.ID, Name= item.Name, Price = item.Price, S = item.S, M = item.M, L = item.L });


                         wyn = context.SzukajProduktu(id, name.Text, price_from, price_to);


Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Collections.Generic.List<Magazynier2WindowsFormsApplication.ServiceReference1.MyServiceProducts_with_sizes>' to 'System.Collections.Generic.List<Magazynier2ServiceLibrary.MyService.Products_with_sizes>'   

WCF 从 WCF 服务获取实体

通过查看异常,您似乎正在尝试将服务代理生成的类直接强制转换为您自己创建的 DTO。

尽管这两个类具有相同的名称和属性,但它们实际上是不同的(即没有共同的父类或 inteface),并且位于不同的命名空间中。

您应该编写一个将代理生成的类显式转换为 DTO 类的方法,例如

List<Magazynier2ServiceLibrary.MyService.Products_with_sizes> TranslateProxyClassToDTO(List<Magazynier2WindowsFormsApplication.ServiceReference1.MyServiceProducts_with_sizes> input)
    // translate all items and their properties and return the translated list
public List<Prodcuts_with_sizes> SzukajProduktu(int id, string name, decimal price_from, decimal price_to)
        List<Prodcuts_with_sizes> odp;
        if (id == -1) //when id is not given
            using (var context = new dbMagazynierEntities())
                var q = (from p in context.Products
                            where p.Name.Contains(name) && p.Price >= price_from && p.Price <= price_to
                            join r in context.Size
                                on p.ID equals r.Products.ID
                                into sizes
                            select new
                                ID = p.ID,
                                Name = p.Name,
                                Price = p.Price,
                                S = sizes.Where(x => x.Name == 0).Sum(x => x.Quantity) ?? 0,
                                M = sizes.Where(x => x.Name == 1).Sum(x => x.Quantity) ?? 0,
                                L = sizes.Where(x => x.Name == 2).Sum(x => x.Quantity) ?? 0,
                odp = new List<Prodcuts_with_sizes>();
                foreach (var item in q)
                    odp.Add(new Prodcuts_with_sizes { ID = item.ID, Name = item.Name, Price = item.Price, S = item.S, M = item.M, L = item.L });
                //dataGridView1.DataSource = q.ToList();
            return odp;
        else //when id is given
            using (var context = new dbMagazynierEntities())
                var q = (from p in context.Products
                            where p.ID == id
                            join r in context.Sizes
                                on p.ID equals r.Products.ID
                                into sizes
                            select new
                                ID = p.ID,
                                Name = p.Name,
                                Price = p.Price,
                                S = sizes.Where(x => x.Name == 0).Sum(x => x.Quantity) ?? 0,
                                M = sizes.Where(x => x.Name == 1).Sum(x => x.Quantity) ?? 0,
                                L = sizes.Where(x => x.Name == 2).Sum(x => x.Quantity) ?? 0,
                odp = new List<Prodcuts_with_sizes>();
                foreach (var item in q)
                    odp.Add(new Prodcuts_with_sizes { ID = item.ID, Name = item.Name, Price = item.Price, S = item.S, M = item.M, L = item.L });
            return odp;

 using (var context = new MyInterfaceClient())
                     wyn = context.SzukajProduktu(id, name.Text, price_from, price_to);
                    //return wyn;


    List<WCFLIB.MyService.Products_with_sizes> SzukajProduktu(int id, string name, decimal price_form, decimal price_to);

    List<MyService.Products_with_sizes> SzukajProduktu(int id, string name, decimal price_form, decimal price_to);