
本文关键字:伪影 高度 等离子体 样式 分形 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 17:58:40





    public void GenerateTerrainLayer()
        //set the four corners of the map to have random values
        TerrainData[0, 0] = (float)RandomGenerator.NextDouble();
        TerrainData[GenSize, 0] = (float)RandomGenerator.NextDouble();
        TerrainData[0, GenSize] = (float)RandomGenerator.NextDouble();
        TerrainData[GenSize, GenSize] = (float)RandomGenerator.NextDouble();
        //begin midpoint displacement algorithm...
        MidPointDisplace(new Vector2_I(0, 0), new Vector2_I(GenSize, 0), new Vector2_I(0, GenSize), new Vector2_I(GenSize, GenSize));


   private void MidPointDisplace(Vector2_I topleft, Vector2_I topright, Vector2_I bottomleft, Vector2_I bottomright)
        //check size of square working on.. if its shorter than a certain amount stop the algo, we've done enough
        if (topright.X - topleft.X < DisplacementMaxLOD)

        //calculate the positions of all the middle points for the square that has been passed to the function
        Vector2_I MidLeft, MidRight, MidTop, MidBottom, Center;
        MidLeft.X = topleft.X;
        MidLeft.Y = topleft.Y + ((bottomleft.Y - topleft.Y) / 2);
        MidRight.X = topright.X;
        MidRight.Y = topright.Y + ((bottomright.Y - topright.Y) / 2);
        MidTop.X = topleft.X + ((topright.X - topleft.X) / 2);
        MidTop.Y = topleft.Y;
        MidBottom.X = bottomleft.X + ((bottomright.X - bottomleft.X) / 2);
        MidBottom.Y = bottomleft.Y;
        Center.X = MidTop.X;
        Center.Y = MidLeft.Y;
        //collect the existing data from the corners of the area passed to algo
        float TopLeftDat, TopRightDat, BottomLeftDat, BottomRightDat;
        TopLeftDat = GetTerrainData(topleft.X, topleft.Y);          
        TopRightDat = GetTerrainData(topright.X, topright.Y);          
        BottomLeftDat = GetTerrainData(bottomleft.X, bottomleft.Y);          
        BottomRightDat = GetTerrainData(bottomright.X, bottomright.Y);
        //and the center

        //adverage data and insert for midpoints..
        SetTerrainData(MidLeft.X, MidLeft.Y, CalculateTerrainPointData(TopLeftDat, BottomLeftDat, MidLeft.X, MidLeft.Y));
        SetTerrainData(MidRight.X, MidRight.Y, CalculateTerrainPointData(TopRightDat, BottomRightDat, MidRight.X, MidRight.Y));
        SetTerrainData(MidTop.X, MidTop.Y, CalculateTerrainPointData(TopLeftDat, TopRightDat, MidTop.X, MidTop.Y));
        SetTerrainData(MidBottom.X, MidBottom.Y, CalculateTerrainPointData(BottomLeftDat, BottomRightDat, MidBottom.X, MidBottom.Y));
        SetTerrainData(Center.X, Center.Y, CalculateTerrainPointData2(TopLeftDat, TopRightDat, BottomLeftDat, BottomRightDat, Center.X, Center.Y));

        //and recursively fire off new calls to the function to do the smaller squares
        Rectangle NewTopLeft = new Rectangle(topleft.X, topleft.Y, Center.X - topleft.X, Center.Y - topleft.Y);
        Rectangle NewTopRight = new Rectangle(Center.X, topright.Y, topright.X - Center.X, Center.Y - topright.Y);
        Rectangle NewBottomLeft = new Rectangle(bottomleft.X, Center.Y, Center.X - bottomleft.X, bottomleft.Y - Center.Y);
        Rectangle NewBottomRight = new Rectangle(Center.X , Center.Y, bottomright.X - Center.X, bottomright.Y - Center.Y);
        MidPointDisplace(new Vector2_I(NewTopLeft.Left, NewTopLeft.Top), new Vector2_I(NewTopLeft.Right, NewTopLeft.Top), new Vector2_I(NewTopLeft.Left, NewTopLeft.Bottom), new Vector2_I(NewTopLeft.Right, NewTopLeft.Bottom));
        MidPointDisplace(new Vector2_I(NewTopRight.Left, NewTopRight.Top), new Vector2_I(NewTopRight.Right, NewTopRight.Top), new Vector2_I(NewTopRight.Left, NewTopRight.Bottom), new Vector2_I(NewTopRight.Right, NewTopRight.Bottom));
        MidPointDisplace(new Vector2_I(NewBottomLeft.Left, NewBottomLeft.Top), new Vector2_I(NewBottomLeft.Right, NewBottomLeft.Top), new Vector2_I(NewBottomLeft.Left, NewBottomLeft.Bottom), new Vector2_I(NewBottomLeft.Right, NewBottomLeft.Bottom));
        MidPointDisplace(new Vector2_I(NewBottomRight.Left, NewBottomRight.Top), new Vector2_I(NewBottomRight.Right, NewBottomRight.Top), new Vector2_I(NewBottomRight.Left, NewBottomRight.Bottom), new Vector2_I(NewBottomRight.Right, NewBottomRight.Bottom));
    //helper function to return a data value adveraged from two inputs, noise value added for randomness and result clamped to ensure a good value
    private float CalculateTerrainPointData(float DataA, float DataB, int NoiseX, int NoiseY)
         return MathHelper.Clamp(((DataA + DataB) / 2.0f) + NoiseFunction(NoiseX, NoiseY), 0.0f, 1.0f) * 1.0f;
    //helper function to return a data value adveraged from four inputs, noise value added for randomness and result clamped to ensure a good value
    private float CalculateTerrainPointData2(float DataA, float DataB, float DataC, float DataD, int NoiseX, int NoiseY)
        return MathHelper.Clamp(((DataA + DataB + DataC + DataD) / 4.0f) + NoiseFunction(NoiseX, NoiseY), 0.0f, 1.0f) * 1.5f;
    private float NoiseFunction(int x, int y)
        return (float)(RandomGenerator.NextDouble() - 0.5) * 0.5f;










  • 从一条水平线段开始。
    • 重复足够多次:
      • 在场景中的每个线段上重复:
        • 找到线段的中点
        • 将Y中的中点移动一个随机量
        • 减小随机数的范围

在代码中快速执行此操作而不需要更改太多的方法是在MidPointDisplace(默认设置为1.0f)和CalculateTerrainPointData中添加一些scale参数;在CalculateTerrainPointData中使用它来乘以NoiseFunction的结果;并通过每次递归调用将其缩减为CCD_ 8。


根据维基百科对中点位移的总结,只有最中心点的平均值才会被添加到其中——尝试仅通过CalculateTerrainPointData2&去除CCD_ 10中的噪声。