队列类/ IsEmpty方法
本文关键字:方法 IsEmpty 队列 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 17:49:42
class Queue
private int front = 0; //Creates front and back int holders and an array
private int back = -1;
private int[] anArray;
public Queue(int size) // constructor to get the Queue size
anArray = new int[size];
public bool IsFull
get // gets to see if the Queue is full ( I assume I did this right, It's full if the back of the queue is equal to -1 of an array)
return back == anArray.Length - 1;
public bool IsEmpty
get // It's empty if the back is -1; I think this is where I messed up, I think that when it checks to see if it's empty it also doesn't check if it's empty when I have dequeued the other numbers (or write them off). Would I make something like "Return front == anArray.Length -1;" ? That would check to see when the front (The part being written to console first) hits the end of the array?
return back == -1;
public void Enqueue(int valueEnqueue)
{ // Method to Enqueue the variables into the array
if (IsFull)
//do nothing
back = back + 1;
anArray[back] = valueEnqueue;
public int Dequeue()
{ // Method to dequeue the variables put in
if (IsEmpty)
//do nothing
return 1010101010;
int dequeue = anArray[front];
front = front + 1;
return dequeue;
为什么不使用:system.collections.queue?http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.collections.queue.aspx如果你只是想这样做,尝试Reflector on system.collections.queue,看看里面有什么
Enqueue(item) { list.Add(item); }
if( !IsEmpty )
var item = list[0];
return item;
return null;
IsFull{ get { return false; } }
IsEmpty{ get { return list.Count == 0; }