
本文关键字:检查 继续 方向 旋转 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:03:17

我正在actionscript 3中的多点触控应用程序上工作,我也在c#中移植它,基本上,我在一个旋钮上工作,可以用手指旋转,我想要实现的是旋转CW或CCW我可以有连续的方向,而不是每次角度都通过180我得到了方向反转,任何提示?



private function findDirection(currentAngle : Number, targetAngle : Number) : int
    currentAngle = refineAngle(currentAngle);
    targetAngle = refineAngle(targetAngle);
    if (targetAngle < 0)
        targetAngle +=  (Math.PI * 2);
    if (currentAngle < 0)
        currentAngle +=  (Math.PI * 2);
    if (targetAngle < currentAngle)
        targetAngle +=  (Math.PI * 2);
    if (targetAngle - currentAngle <= Math.PI)
        return 1;
        return -1;
private function refineAngle(angle : Number) : Number
    return angle * Math.PI / 180;



var lastAngle = 0;
var continuousAngle = 0;
function HandleDown(angle)
    lastAngle = angle;
function HandleMove(angle)
    // The orientation change in degrees of the knob since the last event with
    // a range of [-180;+180). A positive value indicates counterclockwise, a
    // negative value clockwise turning.
    var change = (360 + angle - lastAngle) % 360;
    if (change >= 180)
        change -= 360;
    // It may also be a good idea to not update continuousAngle if the absolute
    // value of change is larger than say 10°, 20° or 40° because such large
    // changes may indicate some kind of glitch like the user moving straight
    // across the knob. But I am not sure and 20 is just a random guess.
    if (Math.Abs(change) <= 20)
        continuousAngle += change;
    lastAngle = angle;
