
本文关键字:例外 NullReference System 返回 Datagridview | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:06:31

这段代码给了我一个消息框:"System. " 这个解决方案来自我的另一个问题,但行不通。也许有人知道,错误藏在哪里?

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                //Setup list object
                var llist = new List<MyClass>();
                //Loop through datagridview rows
                foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dataGridView1.Rows)
                    var obj = new MyClass()
                        Datum = row.Cells["Datum"].Value.ToString(),
                        Nachricht = row.Cells["Nachricht"].Value.ToString()
                //Write out JSON file
                string export = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { types = llist }, Formatting.Indented);
                File.WriteAllText(@"C:'test'upload" + "''" + "export.json", export);
            catch (Exception ex)

        public class MyClass
            public string Datum { get; set; }
            public string Nachricht { get; set; }



            //Setup list object
            var llist = new List<MyClass>();
            //Loop through datagridview rows
            foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dataGridView1.Rows)
                // ------------------ changed code ----------------------
                string datNum = null;     // by-default we say it will be null
                string nachricht = null;  // same with other field
                // now we will check if cell does NOT have a  null value
                if (row.Cells["Datum"].Value != null)
                    // then we will put it in a variable
                    datNum = row.Cells["Datum"].Value.ToString();
                // similarly for other variable as well
                if (row.Cells["Nachricht"].Value != null)
                    nachricht = row.Cells["Nachricht"].Value.ToString();
                var obj = new MyClass()
                    Datum = datNum,
                    Nachricht = nachricht
                // ------------------------------------------------------