Windows Forms . net中的DataGridViewRow线程安全性

本文关键字:线程 安全性 DataGridViewRow 中的 Forms net Windows | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:08:57



例如,如果你有一个DataGridViewRow对象添加到DataGridView控件,它是安全的直接访问DataGridViewRow对象吗?或者,由于它已经被添加到DataGridView控件,因此它必须只能通过使用DataGridView. invoke来访问。


    //since we are passing a DataGridViewRow object and NOT the actual DataGridView Control object, is it safe to call this method directly from a worker thread?  Note, in this code example we are NOT modifying the value and instead we are only reading it.  If were WERE modifying the value, would it make a difference?
    string retrieveColumn1Value (DataGridViewRow row)
        string column1String = row.Cells[column1].Value.ToString(); 
        return column1String;
    //or is it the case that since the DataGridViewRow object has been added to our DataGridView Control, that we have to use this method instead to ensure thread-safety?
    string retrieveColumn1ValueWithInvoke (DataGridViewRow row)
        string column1String = (string)dataGridView1.Invoke(new retrieveColumnValuesDelegate(lookupColumnValues), new object[] { row });
        return column1String;

Windows Forms . net中的DataGridViewRow线程安全性

