Roslyn SyntaxTree改变了注入
本文关键字:注入 改变 SyntaxTree Roslyn | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:19:13
我写了我的类MonitorSyntaxRewriter,它继承自CSharpSyntaxRewriter。使用这个类,我更改了SyntaxTree。但是,我如何在某处"注入"这个修改过的synaxtree呢?我的意思是,我在Visual Studio中有一些随机项目,在Build上,我希望所有的语法树都经过这个MonitorSyntaxRewriter。有其他选择吗?
这意味着实现你想要的并不容易。然而,你的项目不是不可能的,你可以创建你自己的Visual Studio扩展,在Visual Studio中添加一个菜单选项,并启动你自己的构建和发布过程。
为了重写语法树并将它们应用于解决方案,您需要将它们应用于它们的父文档。在编写Visual Studio扩展时,您将希望访问VisualStudioWorkspace
你可以在MEF导出类中导入Visual Studio工作区,通过:
Workspace ws = null; //Normally you'd get access to the VisualStudioWorkspace here.
var currentSolution = ws.CurrentSolution;
foreach (var projectId in currentSolution.ProjectIds)
var project = currentSolution.GetProject(projectId);
foreach (var documentId in project.DocumentIds)
Document doc = project.GetDocument(documentId);
var root = await doc.GetSyntaxRootAsync();
//Rewrite your root here
var rewrittenRoot = RewriteSyntaxRoot(root);
//Save the changes to the current document
doc = doc.WithSyntaxRoot(root);
//Persist your changes to the current project
project = doc.Project;
//Persist the project changes to the current solution
currentSolution = project.Solution;
//Now you have your rewritten solution. You can emit the projects to disk one by one if you'd like.