
本文关键字:问题 数据集 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:21:40



        string fromtype = "";
        // Determines what type the character is currently
        // && fromtype == "" added to avoid weird unexplainable errors...
        if (CharacterTable.Select("Romaji = '" + character + "'") != null && fromtype == "")
            fromtype = "Romaji";
        else if (CharacterTable.Select("Hiragana = '" + character + "'") != null && fromtype == "")
            fromtype = "Hiragana";
        else if (CharacterTable.Select("Katakana = '" + character + "'") != null && fromtype == "")
            fromtype = "Katakana";



public string CheckCharacter(string character, int RequestedCharType)
            // RequestedCharType
            // 1 = Romaji
            // 2 = Hiragana
            // 3 = Katakana
            //-- Instantiate the data set and table
            DataSet CharacterDatabase = new DataSet();
            DataTable CharacterTable = CharacterDatabase.Tables.Add();
            //-- Add columns to the data table
            CharacterTable.Columns.Add("Romaji", typeof(string));
            CharacterTable.Columns.Add("Hiragana", typeof(string));
            CharacterTable.Columns.Add("Katakana", typeof(string));

            //-- Add rows to the data table
            CharacterTable.Rows.Add("a", "あ", "ア");
            CharacterTable.Rows.Add("i", "い", "イ");

            // Sets fromtype to the type the character(s) currently is/are
            string fromtype = "";
            // Determines what type the character is currently
            // && fromtype == "" added to avoid weird unexplainable errors...
            if (CharacterTable.Select("Romaji = '" + character + "'") != null && fromtype == "")
                fromtype = "Romaji";
            else if (CharacterTable.Select("Hiragana = '" + character + "'") != null && fromtype == "")
                fromtype = "Hiragana";
            else if (CharacterTable.Select("Katakana = '" + character + "'") != null && fromtype == "")
                fromtype = "Katakana";

           // generates a new variable to store the return in
           DataRow[] filteredRows = CharacterTable.Select(fromtype + " = '" + character + "'");
            // Return the converted character in the requested type
            foreach (DataRow row in filteredRows)
                if (RequestedCharType == 1)
                    return row["Romaji"].ToString();
                if (RequestedCharType == 2)
                    return row["Hiragana"].ToString();
                if (RequestedCharType == 3)
                    return row["Katakana"].ToString();

            // if it couldn't find the character, return the original character
            return character;


您的问题在于对Select工作方式的误解。当没有匹配项时,Select不会返回null,因此您的第一个if始终为true。相反,您需要检查是否有任何可以使用Enumerable.Any()(添加using System.Linq)进行的结果:

if (CharacterTable.Select("Romaji = '" + character + "'").Any())
    fromtype = "Romaji";
else ...


if (CharacterTable.Select("Romaji = '" + character + "'").Length > 0)
    fromtype = "Romaji";
else ...
  • 我不确定fromType == ""比特是什么——这肯定不需要
  • 考虑为您的char类型创建一个enum类型
  • 此方法可以设置为静态
  • 考虑使用CCD_ 9语句而不是CCD_;c