
本文关键字:精灵 移动 方向 检测 何检测 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:32:55

我正在制作一款用于学习目的的 2D 塔防游戏,现在我被困在如何让敌人在移动时看向正确的方向。


    // Class constructor
    public AnimatedSprite(Texture2D texture, int lines, int columns, Vector2 position)
        : base ( texture, position)
        this.texture = texture;
        this.position = position;
        Lines = lines; // How many lines the sprite-sheet have
        Columns = columns; How many columns the sprite-sheet have
        totalFrames = Lines * Columns;

这是更新方法,它是一个 5x4 的精灵表:

    public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
        // Depending on the direction the sprite is moving
        // it will use different parts of the sprite-sheet
        if (west == true)
            initialFrame = 0;
            finalFrame = 4;
        if (east == true)
            initialFrame = 5;
            finalFrame = 9;
        if (north == true)
            initialFrame = 10;
            finalFrame = 14;
        if (south == true)
            initialFrame = 15;
            finalFrame = 19;
        // When to update the current frame
        timeSinseLastFrame += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;
        if (timeSinceLastFrame > milisecondsPerFrame)
            timeSinceLastFrame -= milisecondsPerFrame;
         // Reset the frame to complete the loop
            if (currentFrame == finalFrame)
                currentFrame = initialFrame;


    public override void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
        int width = texture.Width / Columns;
        int height = texture.Height / Lines;
        int line = (int)((float)currentFrame / (float)Columns);
        int column = currentFrame % Columns;
        Rectangle originRectangle = new Rectangle(width * column, height * line, width, height);
        Rectangle destinationRectangle = new Rectangle((int)position.X, (int)position.Y, width, height);

        // Heres what i think it's not correct, how to detect the direction
        // I tried to calculate it by the last X and Y position
        // So if the current Y value is smaller the last Y value
        // The sprite moved south
        Rectangle lastPosition = originRectangle;
        Rectangle destinationPosition = destinationRectangle;
        if (lastPosition.Y < destinationPosition.Y)
            north = true;
            south = false;
            east = false;
            west = false;
        if (destinationRectangle.Y > lastPosition.Y)
            north = false;
            south = true;
            east = false;
            west = false;
        if (destinationRectangle.X > lastPosition.X)
            north = false;
            south = false;
            east = true;
            west = false;
        if (destinationRectangle.X < lastPosition.X)
            north = false;
            south = false;
            east = false;
            west = true;
        spriteBatch.Draw(texture, destinationRectangle, originRectangle, Color.White);



if (lastPosition.Y < destinationPosition.Y)
    north = true;
    south = false;
    east = false;
    west = false;
if (destinationRectangle.Y > lastPosition.Y)
    north = false;
    south = true;
    east = false;
    west = false;
(lastPosition.Y <destinationPosition.Y)>

和 (destinationRectangle.Y> lastPosition.Y)是相同的条件,所以在这两种情况下,你的 South = true。


enum Direction
    None = 0, // default
    North = 1,
    South = 2,
    East = 3,
    West = 4



  1. 在 Update() 中,检测您需要在哪个方向移动和更改方向变量,并基于它更改和更新精灵状态。
  2. 在 Draw() 中,绘制当前状态下的精灵。



            if (lastPosition.Y < position.Y)
                initialFrame = 15;
                lastFrame = 19;
            if (position.Y < lastPosition.Y)
                initialFrame = 10;
                lastFrame = 14;
            if (position.X > lastPosition.X)
                initialFrame = 5;
                lastFrame = 9;
            if (position.X < lastPosition.X)
                initialFrame = 0;
                lastFrame = 4;
            currentFrame = initialFrame;
            totalFrame = lastFrame;
            timeSinceLastFrame += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;
            if (timeSinceLastFrame > milisecondsPerFrame)
                timeSinceLastFrame -= milisecondsPerFrame;
                if (currentFrame == totalFrame)
                    currentFrame = 0;