未在 LinqToExcel 查询中应用的谓词

本文关键字:谓词 应用 LinqToExcel 查询 未在 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:33:48

我遇到了LinqToExcel库,并且一直在玩它。我似乎误解了查询的工作原理。我创建了一个包含一些客户信息的简单工作表。使用 LinqPad,我已将查询设置为:

void Main()
    string path = @"E:'Documents'LINQPad'LINQPad Queries'LinqToExcel'Customers.xlsx";
    var excel = new ExcelQueryFactory(path);
    // Mappings and Transforms:
    excel.AddMapping<Customer>(c => c.Contact, "Contact Person");
    excel.AddMapping<Customer>(c => c.CompanyName, "Company Name");
    excel.AddMapping<Customer>(c => c.IsPreferred, "Preferred");
    excel.AddTransformation<Customer>(c => c.IsPreferred, cellValue => cellValue == "Yes");
    // Query:
    var preferrdCompanies = from c in excel.Worksheet<Customer>("Customers")
                            where c.IsPreferred  // this has no effect?
                            orderby c.CompanyName
                            select new { c.CompanyName, c.Contact, c.IsPreferred };
    // Display:
    preferrdCompanies.Dump("Preferred Customers:");
// Define other methods and classes here
class Customer
    public string Contact { get; set; }
    public string CompanyName { get; set; }
    public bool IsPreferred { get; set; }   


preferrdCompanies.ToList().Where(c => c.IsPreferred).Dump("Preferred Customers:");



未在 LinqToExcel 查询中应用的谓词

您能否尝试在 where 子句中显式设置c.IsPreferred == true,看看是否可以解决您的问题。

var preferrdCompanies = from c in excel.Worksheet<Customer>("Customers")
                        where c.IsPreferred == true
                        orderby c.CompanyName
                        select new { c.CompanyName, c.Contact, c.IsPreferred };