C# 中的组合算法

本文关键字:算法 组合 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:36:58

我需要n个字段的组合,其中每个字段可以等于null或不null。对于每个组合,字段不能重复。基本上,总共应该有 2^n 种组合。


如果我有 2 个字段AB,输出中的组合应该是:

A != null and B != null
A != null and B == null
A == null and B != null
A == null and B == null

如果我有 3 个字段 A、B 和 C,则输出中的组合应该是:

A != null and B != null and C != null
A != null and B != null and C == null
A != null and B == null and C != null
A != null and B == null and C == null
A == null and B != null and C != null
A == null and B != null and C == null
A == null and B == null and C != null
A == null and B == null and C == null



C# 中的组合算法



   int count = 2;
   var lines = Enumerable
     .Range(0, 1 << count) // 1 << count == 2 ** count
     .Select(item => String.Join(" and ", Enumerable
       .Range(0, count)
       .Select(index => ((Char) ('A' + index)).ToString() + 
                        ((item >> index) % 2 == 0 ? " != null" : " == null"))));

   // Let's print out all the lines generated
   Console.Write(String.Join(Environment.NewLine, lines));

对于count = 2,输出为

  A != null and B != null
  A == null and B != null
  A != null and B == null
  A == null and B == null


  String[] names = new String[] { "A", "B", "C" };
  var lines = Enumerable
    .Range(0, 1 << names.Length) // 1 << count == 2 ** count
    .Select(item => String.Join(" and ", Enumerable
       .Range(0, names.Length)
       .Select(index => names[index] +
                        ((item >> index) % 2 == 0 ? " != null" : " == null"))));
  // Let's print out all the lines generated
  Console.Write(String.Join(Environment.NewLine, lines));


public void Generate()
    Create("", 0);
private string[] names = new[]{ "A", "B", "C" };
public void Create(string s, int current)
    if (current != 0)
        s += " and ";
    if (current != names.Length)
        string c1 = s + names[current] + " == null"; // case 1
        string c2 = s + names[current] + " != null"; // case 2
        Create(c1, current+1);
        Create(c2, current+1);